


Finally graduated from PSID last November 18! I have another graduation for DLS-CSB on February 2012 (cap + gown involved, yay!). People wonder why some of us are having two graduations, and this is because the CSB curriculum requires us to take minors in CSB before taking our majors in PSID... This means we have a diploma from PSID for Interior Design and a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design degree from CSB. 

You can't take the board exams unless you have a degree in Interior Design. Some of my classmates have taken their minors from previous courses already so they can take the licensure exam, too. 

I can't believe I'm done with college! I still crave for the classroom setup so maybe I'll be taking another course after the board. 

I can't express how thankful I am to Benilde and to PSID for my scholarship. Never planned to apply for one and until now I'm so thankful that my parents raised me to LOVE learning. To be able to study at the top institutions of our country [for my field] for free is totally amazing. La Salle gives out so many scholarships each year and I'm so glad that they give amazing opportunities to so many students. If you're interested in any of their courses, keep your grades up in high school, top the entrance exams and really invest time in your extra-curriculars-- you might just be eligible for the Benildean Excellence in Scholastics and Talent scholarship! With this comes a stipend for each term you keep your grades up but you also have to be a leader in a school org (I chose Coro San Benildo in Benilde and became an officer for our batch in PSID). If you think you don't meet the qualifications for this type of scholarship, you can still apply for financial assistance and tons of other scholarships listed here

I've learned so much from CSB and PSID and I really can't complain. Studying interior design's probably one of the hardest things I've had to go through, but I've had so much fun along the way!!! I can't even express how much physical, mental and (most esp.) emotional sh*t I've had to go through. Haha!  

I wouldn't have survived the sleeplessness without all the fun I've had blogging, going to events, doing odd jobs, making music, gaining friends, choir (during my first few years in Benilde), photo shoots, traveling, and of course having to digest the wise words of my parents. I love them. 
And even if all my friends constantly remind me of how much I'm killing myself doing so much all at once, I love them for the laughs, for helping me strengthen my faith and for reminding me that I can survive anything because I am a robot like that. 

AAAAHHHH I'm done, I still can't believe it! 

It's time to work even harder. 

Jak En Poy: a sneak peek of our exhibit!- EXTENDED TIL NOV. 6!

photo from Raiza Poquiz

I'm so happy about all the positive feedback our exhibit's been getting from the first few who've seen the booths during the alumni association party and press day. 

As much as I want it to remain a surprise, my batch mates have been bugging me to blog about it already. Keep in mind that these photos do not do justice to the beauty of each booth! You really have to visit our exhibit. I'm not putting detail shots from each room so you all have something to look forward to when you decide to visit next month.  :) 


booth #1- Eat To' Bato

booth #2- Rockusina


booth #3- Tangible Dream

booth #4- Le Boudoir Rose


booth #5: Achromatic Glam

booth #6: Three to Tango 


booth #7: EcoTechnoWood

booth #8: Flight of Imagination


booth #9: Boho Glam

booth #10: Pavo Real de Hierro


booth #11: Chiclette

booth #12: Lastico


booth #13: Wonder Grass

booth #14: Bamboozled


booth #15: Paperview

booth #16: Out of the Box


booth #17

booth #18 


booth #19: Looking-Glass

booth #20: Glass with Class

I hope those photos convinced you guys to visit our exhibit! This serves as our thesis and we'd all appreciate your support. Do it for the love of Filipino artists and sustainable design!  

The Philippine School of Interior Design has always been known to produce groundbreaking exhibits that become the benchmark of interior design exhibits in the academic community. For this year, the graduating students of PSID delves into the sustainable world of interior materials as they interpret and translate ten materials that define sustainability. The challenge is to be able to apply these materials into twenty interior design booths that evoke different moods and styles without sacrificing on establishing focus on rooms that revolve around the concept of designing for a better world. Research into the properties, use and application and installation of each material and analysis of its sustainable principles are deemed vital into the execution of designs. 

Jak ‘en Poy centers on twenty different spaces designed in creatively planned solutions. Stone, steel, concrete, paper, glass, wood, bamboo, rubber, plastic and clay will be given a totally new meaning as it goes beyond the usual applications and break barriers to focus on totally different take on interiors. Jak ‘en Poy celebrates integral concepts in design and strengthens the bond between the academe and the interior design industry as it unfolds a new interpretation of sustainable materials, this time making it analogous to unique, ground-breaking and stylized interior designs. 

The character of ten materials will be taken into consideration and will serve as a springboard to design interiors befitting the variety of styles showcased in the exhibit. The exhibit takes the audience on a trek through childhood games as corridors and hallways are named; being inspired by the concept that our present prepares the future generation through sustainable interiors. The audience is ushered through the first three corridors; BATO, takes a cue from the material stone, GUNTING takes on steel and PAPEL delves into paper. The audience is then guided through different sections of the exhibit namely HOLEN (glass), GOMA (rubber), CHATO (wood and bamboo), PATINTERO (concrete), PLASTIC BALLOON (plastic) and even PALAYOK-PALAYUKAN (for clay and mud). The analogies are based on the premise that the exhibit’s beneficiaries are the future generation- children as seen through their games. 
Jak ‘en Poy carefully planned, extensively researched and masterfully executed creates another ripple that eventually will become a wave in the academic community and in the interior design industry, something that PSID exhibits have always been known for and will continue to be for years to come.

Photo from Raiza Poquiz


DIRECTIONS: The exhibit hall is right beside Kotse Network, which is right across SM Hypermarket at SM North Edsa's The Block. You can spot the big JAK EN POY sign to your right! 


I'm a paranoiac in reverse.

Hallo, friends.

Blogging backlog, yes I know. I have tons to share with you all- can't wait to post about them soon... I'll make up for it once our construction load's been lightened, I promise!

Anyways, here's a bit off the past 7 days (I've been a total bore so I guess you'll have to settle for this).

The night before we got ill...



As you all know, I've been busy with my thesis this month and I've been overseeing our booth at the construction site everyday along with my group mates. We've hit the 6th day of the actual construction today, and so far it's been going well. I just can't explain to you how damaging it is to the body since our 1,200-sqft. hall is more like a concrete box with no windows, keeping in all the sawdust, paint and fumes inside with only a small opening for the entrance to let all of that out. We guard our booth for a total of 14 hours a day, with one-hour breaks for lunch and dinner. For most of the batch, it's their first time to experience the REAL world of interior design and even if it's the total opposite of glamour and fun, it's so amusing and quite fulfilling to watch our room getting built-up.

I picked up some sort of virus circulating around the site and I may have passed it to my beau (oops) during his 7-day stay here in Manila before he had to fly back to America. Our time together was basically spent trying to recuperate and do absolutely nothing but drink meds & fluids, chew on nasty lozenges... Plus we managed to bore ourselves to death with the telly.

This week marked our 2nd year anniversary and we've been planning to have some sort of celebration even before he came back for the summer. I knew I could leave all the planning to him since he thinks it's the guy's job, but he also knows that I never want him to spend so much for anything unnecessary. I just want some time for us to talk, have dinner. I hate flowers (am I the only one who thinks they're useless?) and those over-the-top cheesy gestures. They make me shiver.

The plan was to have dinner at a Japanese restaurant in Makati (Robot? HAHA!), but since we were SO sick that day- 39C fevers, mad tonsillitis, shivers, the works- he had to move the 6:00PM meeting time to 7:45 so he could "get checked by a doctor". I was so thankful that he moved the time since I was feeling horrible and practically took twice the usual amount of time to get ready.

I get to the condo, he meets me at the lobby so we could "go to the parking lot together", and hastily pushes the button on the lift to his floor instead of the parking lot since he "forgot his wallet"... I open the door and see this...


"You're crazy."

But I was honestly just super kilig! For a while, we didn't mind eating with our poor tonsils screaming in pain.

Our celebration was short and sweet. Just the way I wanted it to be.

Seriously thankful that he's the total opposite of me- thoughtful, cheeeeesy and sweet. Everyone says that if I dated my male counterpart, we'd probably end up with our iPads and carrot sticks in front of the telly on our anniversary... Not that it's a bad idea (in my world, at least).

Oh, and there was supposed to be a cake with the statue of liberty on it. Would've died laughing if he really went for that!

((I just realized how my creativity during special occasions and gift-giving hasn't improved... Take for example 2 years ago- my dad and I greeted each other a happy birthday over breakfast (yeah we share the same birthday), I gave him 5 cans of Altoids and he gave me a head of a Moriones soldier. FUN!))