


Finally graduated from PSID last November 18! I have another graduation for DLS-CSB on February 2012 (cap + gown involved, yay!). People wonder why some of us are having two graduations, and this is because the CSB curriculum requires us to take minors in CSB before taking our majors in PSID... This means we have a diploma from PSID for Interior Design and a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design degree from CSB. 

You can't take the board exams unless you have a degree in Interior Design. Some of my classmates have taken their minors from previous courses already so they can take the licensure exam, too. 

I can't believe I'm done with college! I still crave for the classroom setup so maybe I'll be taking another course after the board. 

I can't express how thankful I am to Benilde and to PSID for my scholarship. Never planned to apply for one and until now I'm so thankful that my parents raised me to LOVE learning. To be able to study at the top institutions of our country [for my field] for free is totally amazing. La Salle gives out so many scholarships each year and I'm so glad that they give amazing opportunities to so many students. If you're interested in any of their courses, keep your grades up in high school, top the entrance exams and really invest time in your extra-curriculars-- you might just be eligible for the Benildean Excellence in Scholastics and Talent scholarship! With this comes a stipend for each term you keep your grades up but you also have to be a leader in a school org (I chose Coro San Benildo in Benilde and became an officer for our batch in PSID). If you think you don't meet the qualifications for this type of scholarship, you can still apply for financial assistance and tons of other scholarships listed here

I've learned so much from CSB and PSID and I really can't complain. Studying interior design's probably one of the hardest things I've had to go through, but I've had so much fun along the way!!! I can't even express how much physical, mental and (most esp.) emotional sh*t I've had to go through. Haha!  

I wouldn't have survived the sleeplessness without all the fun I've had blogging, going to events, doing odd jobs, making music, gaining friends, choir (during my first few years in Benilde), photo shoots, traveling, and of course having to digest the wise words of my parents. I love them. 
And even if all my friends constantly remind me of how much I'm killing myself doing so much all at once, I love them for the laughs, for helping me strengthen my faith and for reminding me that I can survive anything because I am a robot like that. 

AAAAHHHH I'm done, I still can't believe it! 

It's time to work even harder.