Boots & coat - Balenciaga, accessories - HRH Collection, jeans - Zara, bag- Givenchy, shirts - Urban Outfitters

Darie being so patient while Pauline & I take photos around the park... He takes all my other photos, too! Yay!
Took Pauline to Central Park since she wanted to take photos with the last of the fallen leaves before leaving for DC. I haven't even thought about taking photos with different seasons as backdrops- I have completely taken for granted living in New York (the greatest city in the world!!!) that I haven't even had any of my portraits taken around the park! NYC doesn't even need a filter. It's just beautiful during this time of the year. Fall is definitely my favorite season simply because I can layer and still survive outside in the cold. Winter only looks pretty in photos but in reality it's a pain in the ass! Friends back in Manila don't understand that it's really difficult to step outside especially around my birthday (January to February), that's why I always convince everyone to visit me in the Fall.

A rare photo with the hubbs in this blog! He just recently had his birthday and we spent the weekend at the NoMad Hotel for a quick getaway within the city. It's too bad I didn't get to reserve a table at the Michelin 3-star rated NoMad restaurant but we spent the entire night with his friends at the Library Bar which also looked amazing!

dress- Zara, shoes- Balenciaga

Dee and his biceps that I don't even need to liquify L O L

Showcasin our Zara 'fits (HA!) before dinner and drinks that night.

Some snaps from the Library Bar. Google is your friend for better photos. I couldn't take proper photos without including the guests. We all loved this place and I'm definitely taking more of my friends there. The staff was super nice, too!

Some photos of our room...

Comfiest bed ever. Photos can't do it justice! Wish I stayed in this hotel for a week. Really cosy and it had all the right elements. Not pictured- study/desk

It seems like of the tiniest hotel bathrooms I've been in but the shower/lavatory is separate from the water closet- which is a really good thing! So technically if you combine these two it's not the smallest bathroom.
LOVED these Argan-based toiletries.

They had the cutest personalized knick-knacks in the minibar! Dee wanted to take home everything.
Would definitely recommend the NoMad Hotel since they have 3 bars and 2 (or 3?) restaurants- it's perfect for when the weather sucks and you're bound to get stuck indoors. Service was great and it's close to Madison Square Park.
Trying to deal with the backlog of photos I'm dying to post on here. Hope you guys liked the quick update! Have a good week. xx

dress- Zara, shoes- Balenciaga

Dee and his biceps that I don't even need to liquify L O L

Showcasin our Zara 'fits (HA!) before dinner and drinks that night.

Some snaps from the Library Bar. Google is your friend for better photos. I couldn't take proper photos without including the guests. We all loved this place and I'm definitely taking more of my friends there. The staff was super nice, too!

Some photos of our room...

Comfiest bed ever. Photos can't do it justice! Wish I stayed in this hotel for a week. Really cosy and it had all the right elements. Not pictured- study/desk

It seems like of the tiniest hotel bathrooms I've been in but the shower/lavatory is separate from the water closet- which is a really good thing! So technically if you combine these two it's not the smallest bathroom.
LOVED these Argan-based toiletries.

They had the cutest personalized knick-knacks in the minibar! Dee wanted to take home everything.
Would definitely recommend the NoMad Hotel since they have 3 bars and 2 (or 3?) restaurants- it's perfect for when the weather sucks and you're bound to get stuck indoors. Service was great and it's close to Madison Square Park.
Trying to deal with the backlog of photos I'm dying to post on here. Hope you guys liked the quick update! Have a good week. xx