With the Facehunter- Yvan Rodic

Saw Saab when it was almost my turn to meet Yvan... Saab, I covet your sky-high black pumps!

Finally got to meet Karl!!! We've been online friends since I joined Lookbook and Chictopia. And man, he's one of the most stylish people in the Philippines now but has remained nice and humble...
Oh and I guess he watches our videos on YouTube? He said the same thing David told me after I got out of the line- "sing while people are waiting to get their booked signed!"

Gelo interviewed Ryuji before he attacked me! Was laughing as I was waiting in line cos he is just so hilarious.

Honey wore her shoes from Soule Phenomenon

Karl and Melai

Laureen, you don't need photo-editing tips from me. Your blog and photos are GREAT!

Her shoes by Andre Chang

Jujin behind Karl

Got to meet Kookie! She remembers me from Chictopia (or did she say my blog?). She came with Nicole. Their style's so unique, I love it!

I loved Lyka's skirt

Kookie's new tattoo

her old one.

Platform invasion- Nicole's (Soule Phenomenon), Kookies (Jeffrey Campbell) and Karl's (Soule Phenomenon)

David and Aline

Met JP Singson.


Paul's sandals

Vern and I were talking about having beaus from Cebu while she waited in line. Got a call from his bf/my "cousin" Dondi a few minutes after and asked why I was brainwashing her girlfriend. HA!

Karl's rings

I was thinking about going to the book singing event til the last hour since I was rushing to finish my plates for Interior Design and Workshop (yes, we were given plates to submit and pass over the holidays!)... But I'm glad I went! I got to meet the most stylish bloggers in our country, and most of them I've met online before (when I was still active on Chictopia and Lookbook). Let me just say- this was the worst possible time to dress down. But hey, I was already at the event and I thought to myself that I shouldn't beat myself up for not being able to prepare for an outfit since I have to prioritize school. :)
Yvan was nice enough to really talk to each person who had their book signed. He asked me what my "main thing" was and I was confused on what to tell him. I ended up telling him that I was studying to become an Interior Designer and I was also a musician. Wasn't planning on telling him I had a blog (since it's incomparable to his and to to the blogs that other people at the event were running) but he found out when I said "Oh Karl's a blogger, too" when Karl offered to take my photo with him using my camera.
I wanted to ask him more about his previous career on advertising, and his favorite cameras or gadgets, but my thoughts weren't too organized that day (haven't slept in days!!!). He asked me about my Lumix and checked out my photos without the flash (I don't use flash unless I'm in the club or event without proper lighting).
As one of the pioneers in the fashion/street style blogging field, he's living the life most of us are trying (or want to) experience- taking photos while traveling, hanging out with really interesting people, immersing yourself in different cultures and getting paid to do it. I don't think he shows it in his blog, but he really goes around to experience everything in his trips. Heard he went to Chinatown before the event (and he even tweeted that a bunch of kids attacked them), and hey I've never even been there! He also made a new blog showing things other than streetstyle/fashion.
Went home right after and didn't get to attend the afterparty at Kyss or have dinner with the other girls. Finished my plates at 10am the next day and got to pass them before I went to Baguio to catch up with the family...
Heading to Baguio Country Club for the NYE party later... I really missed our house here! At least I have a day to relax and spend time with my family before mum and bro fly back to Cebu. Will try to take some photos to post later...
Thank you to those who never get tired of reading my blog. Thank you to those who supported us during our musical journey this year. Here's to 2011!!! I'm glad I had the chance to meet all my blogger friends before the year ends.