with the girls

With the bday girl Holly. It's been a month since she's arrived from San Fo but I only got to see her yesterday!

Last Tuesday, Issa and I attended a Crossfit session at Army Gym (the Fort) at noon. I loved it! It was a 30-minute session but it was super intense! You'll get an idea of how it goes by YouTubing crossfit. My body hurts so much from it but I was able to run 6mi. the morning after. Totally regret doing that now but I needed the pain! I'm planning on doing that 6 times a month just to add something interesting to the routine.

Then we had lunch really late at Cafe Mary Grace.

Cassava chips

seafood pasta

some creamy pasta

Issa had some homework to be done so she didn't get to join me with the rest of the girls at night.

 I bought this insanely delicious cake called Mango Charlotte at Sweet Bella's (Burgos Circle) before surprising Holly at Robot.

I didn't get to take a lot of photos...

Those bubblegum shots tasted like medicine. 

And these tasted better

That's the last of the photos from my camera. *sigh

We went to Prive and caught the awarding for MEGA Fashion Crew. Skadooshed to BOND right after for Models' Night! 

Thank you Mia for taking loads of photos! (photos from BOND are all from her camera)

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The next day I was rushing to catch the last few hours of Manila F.A.M.E.

Had lunch with tita Evelyn and Issa then we proceeded to look around SMX. 

First, I visited my brotha from anotha motha's booth...

Vito's booth! This booth design won an award at last year's Cebu X.

It says LOOK... You go inside, and LOOK! haha!
Supacool chair with no screws. This won an award!

Vito, I love this mirror! It makes people look pretty! heehee

Love the glow

The yellow platforms are made of sandpaper

Moving on to the other booths... 

There were tons of lovely displays but we couldn't take photos! I  was sneaky enough to snap a few...

Doodle shelf!

doodle chair!

Super cool lamp by Vikki Rodriguez! 

Bed still by Vikki. I will be moving to my very own place early next year and I'm still thinking if I should get this bed! It's a double, but I originally designed my bedroom to fit a queen-sized  mattress... So... We'll see!

rattan car 

Wish I took more photos at the exhibit... Looking forward to an even better one next year! 

Maroon 5 concert hangover

We stayed at the gold section but my camera has a 20mm prime (no zoom). Oh well :)

Had so much fun with my sister and brother! I pity our little bro for standing between us girls, though... He had to endure an hour and a half of us fangirl-ing and SCREAMING cos of Adam's schmexiness! Seriously, why do rock stars exist??? He was so funny and talented! We were singing along to every song and I really want to watch them perform again-- they were THAT good!

Thanks to mum for gifting us these concert tickets! She rarely pays for our tickets and I guess she saw that Riz, Joey and I really wanted to watch them together... SMX was a really nice venue to hold the concert, too! It wasn't hot and the crowd was okay as we were going out of the venue... Wish more concerts would happen here but I heard that a new venue by SM was being built! That means goodbye to concerts at the MOA concert grounds! Heard a lot of horror stories about getting mugged or rained on during other events there... Thank goodness I never experienced those before!

I really want to watch Hillsong and Incubus next, while Riz and Joey are aiming to see 30 Seconds to Mars.

Penshoppe (Philippine Fashion Week)

Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Solenn & Victor during rehearsals

Penshoppe PFW
This girl is so fit!!!

Penshoppe PFW
Danica Magpantay- I watched a few minutes of her interview with Boy Abunda and all I can say is that she is so adorable! Totally did not expect that playful, sweet vibe because she looks so fierce in photos and on the runway.

Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFWPenshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
I need those pants in my life.

Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW

Sam and I went to SMX last Sunday to be part of Penshoppe's "paparazzi" during their show for Philippine Fashion Week. Our friend Tanya invited us and thought we'd have fun taking photos during the show, which had a theme that revolved around the "lives of celebrities". It made my Sunday sorta busy and I had to go back and forth SMX and High Street. We were given instructions and rehearsed our blocking for the show, then Sam and I drove to 2nd's at High Street to practice since I was leading worship that day (without Riz!), then finally we headed back to SMX again after singing to get final instructions before the actual show...

We had fun shooting and just chatting away, and I got to see so many people from the blogging/fashion community... PENSHOPPE'S SHOW WAS PACKED! I'm so clueless about these shows because I only attend when a friend is showcasing, so this was my first "RTW" show. Pretty amazing one, too. No wonder everyone says that Penshoppe's always one of those they look out for.

I wasn't planning on taking part in fash week this season but I thought it would be fun to be a photographer this time (oddly enough I've never done any photo jobs for PFW before). Of course I didn't get to attend any of the after-parties. Rushed to get home right after the show to finish some schoolwork...

Oh and we laughed at the fact that we looked so ridiculous in our all-black ensembles on a 37C/98.6F day. Literally HOT! Sam quipped, "We look like the make-up artists!"

We needed to wear something we could move around in, which is the case when we're holding cameras. You really don't want any of your underwear showing when you're the one crouching and reaching for an angle!

Missed wearing these boots.

Coverup= Bayo, jeans & swimsuit coverup (worn as tank top)- GAP, boots- Zara, bag- Topshop, leather bands- Carbon and the Bead Shop