with the girls

With the bday girl Holly. It's been a month since she's arrived from San Fo but I only got to see her yesterday!

Last Tuesday, Issa and I attended a Crossfit session at Army Gym (the Fort) at noon. I loved it! It was a 30-minute session but it was super intense! You'll get an idea of how it goes by YouTubing crossfit. My body hurts so much from it but I was able to run 6mi. the morning after. Totally regret doing that now but I needed the pain! I'm planning on doing that 6 times a month just to add something interesting to the routine.

Then we had lunch really late at Cafe Mary Grace.

Cassava chips

seafood pasta

some creamy pasta

Issa had some homework to be done so she didn't get to join me with the rest of the girls at night.

 I bought this insanely delicious cake called Mango Charlotte at Sweet Bella's (Burgos Circle) before surprising Holly at Robot.

I didn't get to take a lot of photos...

Those bubblegum shots tasted like medicine. 

And these tasted better

That's the last of the photos from my camera. *sigh

We went to Prive and caught the awarding for MEGA Fashion Crew. Skadooshed to BOND right after for Models' Night! 

Thank you Mia for taking loads of photos! (photos from BOND are all from her camera)

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The next day I was rushing to catch the last few hours of Manila F.A.M.E.

Had lunch with tita Evelyn and Issa then we proceeded to look around SMX. 

First, I visited my brotha from anotha motha's booth...

Vito's booth! This booth design won an award at last year's Cebu X.

It says LOOK... You go inside, and LOOK! haha!
Supacool chair with no screws. This won an award!

Vito, I love this mirror! It makes people look pretty! heehee

Love the glow

The yellow platforms are made of sandpaper

Moving on to the other booths... 

There were tons of lovely displays but we couldn't take photos! I  was sneaky enough to snap a few...

Doodle shelf!

doodle chair!

Super cool lamp by Vikki Rodriguez! 

Bed still by Vikki. I will be moving to my very own place early next year and I'm still thinking if I should get this bed! It's a double, but I originally designed my bedroom to fit a queen-sized  mattress... So... We'll see!

rattan car 

Wish I took more photos at the exhibit... Looking forward to an even better one next year!