Philippine Fashion Week

Fashion Week photoset

Karl taking Ally's outfit shots

that girl is so gorgeous! 

those guys were so fierce

he had so many fans cheering for him at the show

Joey Mead really caught my attention because of that cool headdress + she obviously had so much fun dancing

with 2/3 of the DAS sisters

My only photo with Cheyser from last week. 

necklace & clutch from Mia Arcenas, thrifted dress as top, skirt from Folded & Hung

I almost never participate in Fashion Week and would usually just catch up on the trends through photos online. Occasionally, I accept an invite when a friend is showcasing or a friend is in need of someone to go with. That was the case last Sunday (the last day of fash week) when Neil asked me to accompany him to the Rajo Laurel x Bench show. While the other bloggers who had booths at the SUPERB Bazaar were able to watch the other shows the whole week, I was stuck either at home baking (we ran out during our 2nd day!) or at the bazaar watching over our booth. It wasn't a big deal and I was actually having more fun selling our sweets! 

The biggest problem I have to face during fash week is probably preparing my outfits. As much as people categorize me as a style blogger, I hate planning or preparing outfits and always base my looks on whatever's clean/unworn in my wardrobe. Because of this, I wasn't able to wear pink for Rajo's Pink Party and Neil hated me for that. Sorry, Nike! I just don't have anything pink in my closet! :) 

Rajo's show was extremely colorful and fun! The endorsers and models danced during the whole show and Rajo taught everyone this move during the finale. Sadly I didn't get to stay & talk with everyone else right after since I had to handle egress for our booth on the same night. This was such a tiring week- having to handle our booth, oversee construction & then bake each night! So glad it's over and I am trying to focus on construction & editing some more photos this week. 

We have a gig at Saguijo this Wednesday with Kate Torralba, Saab Magalona's BBYGRL, Domino and Techyromantics. It'd be cool if you guys could come! And of course BLOGGERS UNITED is on June 2. Really looking forward to seeing you guys there!!!

Penshoppe (Philippine Fashion Week)

Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Solenn & Victor during rehearsals

Penshoppe PFW
This girl is so fit!!!

Penshoppe PFW
Danica Magpantay- I watched a few minutes of her interview with Boy Abunda and all I can say is that she is so adorable! Totally did not expect that playful, sweet vibe because she looks so fierce in photos and on the runway.

Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFWPenshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
I need those pants in my life.

Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW
Penshoppe PFW

Sam and I went to SMX last Sunday to be part of Penshoppe's "paparazzi" during their show for Philippine Fashion Week. Our friend Tanya invited us and thought we'd have fun taking photos during the show, which had a theme that revolved around the "lives of celebrities". It made my Sunday sorta busy and I had to go back and forth SMX and High Street. We were given instructions and rehearsed our blocking for the show, then Sam and I drove to 2nd's at High Street to practice since I was leading worship that day (without Riz!), then finally we headed back to SMX again after singing to get final instructions before the actual show...

We had fun shooting and just chatting away, and I got to see so many people from the blogging/fashion community... PENSHOPPE'S SHOW WAS PACKED! I'm so clueless about these shows because I only attend when a friend is showcasing, so this was my first "RTW" show. Pretty amazing one, too. No wonder everyone says that Penshoppe's always one of those they look out for.

I wasn't planning on taking part in fash week this season but I thought it would be fun to be a photographer this time (oddly enough I've never done any photo jobs for PFW before). Of course I didn't get to attend any of the after-parties. Rushed to get home right after the show to finish some schoolwork...

Oh and we laughed at the fact that we looked so ridiculous in our all-black ensembles on a 37C/98.6F day. Literally HOT! Sam quipped, "We look like the make-up artists!"

We needed to wear something we could move around in, which is the case when we're holding cameras. You really don't want any of your underwear showing when you're the one crouching and reaching for an angle!

Missed wearing these boots.

Coverup= Bayo, jeans & swimsuit coverup (worn as tank top)- GAP, boots- Zara, bag- Topshop, leather bands- Carbon and the Bead Shop

this week, I was soulless.

PFW [Wednesday]

Hated the fit and length of this dress so I chnaged into something that I thought was more "blah" after school/before church/before heading to Kate Torralba and Rajo Laurel's show at Philippine Fashion Week

I never really attend Fashion Week here since I'm usually too lazy to dress up + my school/work sched gets in the way/ I'M NOT IN THE FASHION BIZ. So it's funny how many times people ask me "what shows are you watching?" every single year. Yes guys, I like dressing up on rare occasions and I do take photos of fashionable people, but again- I'm sorry to burst your bubble but fashion is NOT the number 1 thing in my life. Honestly, I'd rather buy gadgets, workout DVDs, books, interior design supplies, plane tickets, furniture and FOOD. See how far off it might be on my list? HAHA.

I'm fortunate enough to get invites every season, but this time I convinced myself to just go since Kate was really nice to offer me a couple of passes, plus asked to use up all of them... I've always loved her fun style and I absolutely love her music (she has an album comin out sometime next year- CAN'T WAIT!). Riz backed out and I couldn't find any of my friends who were willing to watch the show just hours before, so I hurriedly placed the extra ticket up for grabs on Twitter... It's actually less tiring to just do that instead of messaging each one of your fashionable friends if they want the ticket! I ended up taking Issa and Robin, and one of my followers on Twitter got in, too!

This part of the show made us go "awwwww". Cute men in bicycles!!! (Daniel Matsunaga is growing on me... He's cute!)

Lovely collection from Kate and Rajo!

Kate is so cute! And her Beatles medley music video with Rajo at the end was so cool!

Yeap, my second time to bump into Nicole of Soule Phenomenon! I've always loved their shoes but I NEVER get to buy the right size for me since their stocks get sold out right away! Talk about being in demand. 'Twas really nice the first time she commented on my blog and watched our gig... The world gets smaller and smaller because of the internet.


SAGUIJO [Friday]

Wagyu is back!!!

What she said.


Pat of Mammal and June of Good Morning High Fives
I always thought that hand sign was that thing Italians would normally raise when stressing a point... Apparently it means something really annoying in our country. LOLLLL.


Obligatory food pics! Mum and brother visited so we had a couple of meals out.

Momo Cafe at the Eastwood Mall is a great restaurant! The food (from the appetizers to main course; didn't try their dessert) was great- and I realized that these guys were the same guys who ran one of my favorite restaurants, Chelsea. Oh, no wonder.

Pia's sandwich. I actually figured out their link to Chelsea when I saw their fries... They taste equally as awesome but get this- they had twisted fries!!! (For all the McDonald's fans out there, I'm sorry to say that the fastfood version everyone loves didn't pass my test. Now I'm actually convinced that meat really numbs your taste buds cos it just tasted awful for me and another pesco-vegetarian friend when we tried it.)

This looked really cute and I wanna try it on my next visit!



2 of my cousins, Ivan and Alecsandra, visited us at home after their weekend at the Riviera and decided to just spend the Sunday with us... They ended up sleeping over, too! I love bein the eldest. INA, you were M.I.A.! I miss you!

They all say she's my mini-me but I don't remember being this pretty when I was a kid. Forrealz.

And she's painfully witty & inquisitive.

They're best of friends but sometimes end up fighting. It all changes when there's food on the table... ATTACK!

Will end this post with a photo of Rizza's dinner. Half a chicken. Oh yes.

And what's up with the title? I was pretty much a zombie the entire week (okay, was actually worse than my usual zombie self) so I never asked anyone to take any photos with me in it or take outfit shots, blahblah. I'll save you from the pain of having to look at more photos of my face. I have so many videos from the Flip and tons of photos taken with my new GF1 and can't decide which ones to post and edit first, hence the "halo-halo, mix-mix" blog posts. I am a happy gadget girl.

That is all!