Fashion Week photoset

Karl taking Ally's outfit shots

that girl is so gorgeous! 

those guys were so fierce

he had so many fans cheering for him at the show

Joey Mead really caught my attention because of that cool headdress + she obviously had so much fun dancing

with 2/3 of the DAS sisters

My only photo with Cheyser from last week. 

necklace & clutch from Mia Arcenas, thrifted dress as top, skirt from Folded & Hung

I almost never participate in Fashion Week and would usually just catch up on the trends through photos online. Occasionally, I accept an invite when a friend is showcasing or a friend is in need of someone to go with. That was the case last Sunday (the last day of fash week) when Neil asked me to accompany him to the Rajo Laurel x Bench show. While the other bloggers who had booths at the SUPERB Bazaar were able to watch the other shows the whole week, I was stuck either at home baking (we ran out during our 2nd day!) or at the bazaar watching over our booth. It wasn't a big deal and I was actually having more fun selling our sweets! 

The biggest problem I have to face during fash week is probably preparing my outfits. As much as people categorize me as a style blogger, I hate planning or preparing outfits and always base my looks on whatever's clean/unworn in my wardrobe. Because of this, I wasn't able to wear pink for Rajo's Pink Party and Neil hated me for that. Sorry, Nike! I just don't have anything pink in my closet! :) 

Rajo's show was extremely colorful and fun! The endorsers and models danced during the whole show and Rajo taught everyone this move during the finale. Sadly I didn't get to stay & talk with everyone else right after since I had to handle egress for our booth on the same night. This was such a tiring week- having to handle our booth, oversee construction & then bake each night! So glad it's over and I am trying to focus on construction & editing some more photos this week. 

We have a gig at Saguijo this Wednesday with Kate Torralba, Saab Magalona's BBYGRL, Domino and Techyromantics. It'd be cool if you guys could come! And of course BLOGGERS UNITED is on June 2. Really looking forward to seeing you guys there!!!