Pia Jimenez

AVICII in Manila- Remastering Cool with Ray-Ban

Had to sneak in my Olympus cammy to the concert & getting retweeted by Avicii twice made it worth it! Still getting tons of notifications of people retweeting my photos. Craaaaazy.

So glad I got the chance to watch Avicii at the MOA Arena last night! I was sick the first time he came to Manila so I had to back out from the event even if I was already dressed & made up. 

I can't even explain how amazing the sound & visuals were, my photos don't do 'em justice! I was staring the whole time & dancing. I spent the whole day sourcing in heels so my feet were dead tired, but that didn't stop me from enjoying (take note- zero alcohol!). The big surprise for me was when he dropped some Notorious B.I.G.- the whole arena went wild!!! I still can't believe how he's only my age! 

Such a FUN night, thank you so much to Ray-Ban Philippines for the tickets and for hosting my blog giveaway!

I may not have worn Ray-Bans during the concert, but I wore my clubmasters to work that day...

And yes, I had them changed into prescription lenses. I really love these frames! 

Also wearing a Neil Felipp skull/shogun choker

Photo diary- first half of October

skull shots
My new DOOMED crystal skull shot glasses are pretty awesome and I regret purchasing only three. I've been hosting a lot of those chill nights at my flat and had to go through a lot of disposable cups for shots. Right now my place isn't earthquake-proof because of the accumulating glassware at my minibar. 
I got those shot glasses from this site but you can purchase them on eBay or Amazon as well. 

I finally had a small housewarming party at my place. Jess, Pao, Sam, Pia and Zarah (she took the photo) came over for some drinks and we also celebrated Pao's birthday on the same night. 

We just basically drank the entire night and watched videos on YouTube. That's not a ghost on the screen, btw... It's the life-sized porcelain goddess in the form of Lana Del Rey. 

My sister and I were called to do a shoot with ETC for a really short segment involving local artists/musicians... 

The set looked like this at first but the team probably rearranged it 5 times... For a 2-minute clip, it took us about 7 hours to shoot. Longest shoot I've endured for a TV segment but it was one of the most fun ones since we were really hyper despite ending past midnight. The team was really cool & we instantly clicked even if I personally HATE being on TV! I'm just basking in the fact that I won't be able to see it- I don't have cable and I refuse to pay for it since I really have no time to veg out in front of the telly. So if you guys see the show and see Riz and I 20-pounds heavier on TV, tweet me so I can tell my mom that it's on! :) 

My sis reliving her Toddlers & Tiaras/ pageant days with the makeup... 

You won't be seeing my exposed tummy on TV since that would totally upset my folks... This was a few days before my exams so I had no choice but to repeat an outfit. 

I think I had about 20 layers of makeup caked on my face when the shoot was over. I had to be retouched again and again because the shine registered well on the cameras but the color wouldn't. 

I also had to fly to Cebu a few days ago since my mom insisted for me to get dental work done there. The rates were cheaper and my dad didn't allow me to have the rest of my impacted wisdom teeth taken out [just days before my trip to China] so I had to... escape. Sorry, dad! I know you read my blog. A vain girl like me can't bear to see one side of my face swell more and more each day! 

I see Makati

I got a cute aerial shot of my neighborhood! I'm trying my best not to worry about it getting too crowded for now... 

We snagged tickets to the Phantom of the Opera, thankfully they extended the season! I know I had to see it since the entire team flew in and the production was just spectacular. I wonder where musicals will be held once they start renovating the CCP theater? 

Opted to wear something that was breezy and easy to move around in since I had to rush to the theater as soon as I arrived from Cebu... My sister wasn't a fan of the awkward length of the dress paired with boots but I liked it! I'm trying to cover my right cheek, by the way... It's still a bit swollen from the surgery even if the dentist said that I was recovering quickly. 

I still have a couple of things to write about and I'm trying to finish all of them before I leave the country... Hope you enjoyed looking through some photos! Structured posts coming up soon... 

Topshop's 10th Anniversary

Kryz in MiuMiu

Her bib was what attracted people to approach her... cos they also wanted to see their reflections :))

They pitied me for not having anyone to go with, so they were forced to come :))


Caught in the act- catching up on the latest chika!

We were playing around with these new colosplash cards by placing them over the lens of my camera...

Kryz's shoes from SoFab and Laureen's is from Gold Dot. They were SKY HIGH wedges.

Loved the LED screen

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Didn't take a lot of photos since the place was packed! Went home early since I had to prepare some SkinnySweets orders for the next day plus had some schoolwork to do.I forced myself to go out since I wanted to dress up. I've been seriously CRAZY busy during these past couple of months.

I'll save you from the boring list of things I've had to commit to...

A lot of people say that it's always my choice to stay busy. I can always say no to job offers and projects. The thing is, I've never been the one to pass up an opportunity to learn and to work with great people. Growing up, I've always thought that being exhausted all the time was better than being idle and bored. I like seeing the results of my hard work. While it does take a toll on my health at times, in my mind I'm always saying, "It's going to be worth it in the end." And most of the time, my efforts do pay off. I also know when to drop things- and maybe that's because I know my capabilities and priorities enough to know when something doesn't seem right. I've never been the one to regret my decisions, but I know there are also times when I've regretted not having enough time to do a certain job.

My life's always been revolving around this work cycle, and at times when I'm given the chance to relax and regain my energy, all I can think of is "What else I can do after this?"

There's always something that needs to be done. There's always an opportunity to serve other people while learning and gaining from the experience.

My attitude seems crazy to a lot of people. Mom says this is the same work ethic my father has... But I have to work on organizing and having that sense of urgency to act on certain things quickly. I have to know which to prioritize and to PLAN things ahead. I am a bit carefree at times. I know I just can't wing it on certain occasions, but something in me wants to just allow things to happen naturally. I am slowly trying to let go of my old uptight and tense self. I want to stay calm and to remember to go with the flow of things. I trust in Him and what He's planned for my life.