Jessica Connelly

Photo diary- first half of October

skull shots
My new DOOMED crystal skull shot glasses are pretty awesome and I regret purchasing only three. I've been hosting a lot of those chill nights at my flat and had to go through a lot of disposable cups for shots. Right now my place isn't earthquake-proof because of the accumulating glassware at my minibar. 
I got those shot glasses from this site but you can purchase them on eBay or Amazon as well. 

I finally had a small housewarming party at my place. Jess, Pao, Sam, Pia and Zarah (she took the photo) came over for some drinks and we also celebrated Pao's birthday on the same night. 

We just basically drank the entire night and watched videos on YouTube. That's not a ghost on the screen, btw... It's the life-sized porcelain goddess in the form of Lana Del Rey. 

My sister and I were called to do a shoot with ETC for a really short segment involving local artists/musicians... 

The set looked like this at first but the team probably rearranged it 5 times... For a 2-minute clip, it took us about 7 hours to shoot. Longest shoot I've endured for a TV segment but it was one of the most fun ones since we were really hyper despite ending past midnight. The team was really cool & we instantly clicked even if I personally HATE being on TV! I'm just basking in the fact that I won't be able to see it- I don't have cable and I refuse to pay for it since I really have no time to veg out in front of the telly. So if you guys see the show and see Riz and I 20-pounds heavier on TV, tweet me so I can tell my mom that it's on! :) 

My sis reliving her Toddlers & Tiaras/ pageant days with the makeup... 

You won't be seeing my exposed tummy on TV since that would totally upset my folks... This was a few days before my exams so I had no choice but to repeat an outfit. 

I think I had about 20 layers of makeup caked on my face when the shoot was over. I had to be retouched again and again because the shine registered well on the cameras but the color wouldn't. 

I also had to fly to Cebu a few days ago since my mom insisted for me to get dental work done there. The rates were cheaper and my dad didn't allow me to have the rest of my impacted wisdom teeth taken out [just days before my trip to China] so I had to... escape. Sorry, dad! I know you read my blog. A vain girl like me can't bear to see one side of my face swell more and more each day! 

I see Makati

I got a cute aerial shot of my neighborhood! I'm trying my best not to worry about it getting too crowded for now... 

We snagged tickets to the Phantom of the Opera, thankfully they extended the season! I know I had to see it since the entire team flew in and the production was just spectacular. I wonder where musicals will be held once they start renovating the CCP theater? 

Opted to wear something that was breezy and easy to move around in since I had to rush to the theater as soon as I arrived from Cebu... My sister wasn't a fan of the awkward length of the dress paired with boots but I liked it! I'm trying to cover my right cheek, by the way... It's still a bit swollen from the surgery even if the dentist said that I was recovering quickly. 

I still have a couple of things to write about and I'm trying to finish all of them before I leave the country... Hope you enjoyed looking through some photos! Structured posts coming up soon... 

Roaring Twenties

Obligatory girls' room mirror shot

And this was the last photo taken with my camera (I know, why did I even bother bringing it?)
We spotted Vania in the bathroom and we all got too excited that we forgot to take a better photo 


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Happy birthday, Paolo!

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Thank you to Mia for the headdress & Izabelli for the pearls. My fashion friendsies are the best!!!

Our friend Paolo chose a really fun theme for his 19th birthday this year, so when I found out that Mia was flying in from Cebu I was super excited to dress up for it! Initially I planned to wear another black dress for the night but I ended up repeating my trusty bandage LBD since it was simpler and I felt that the accessories and makeup were already over the top. The lovely people at Emphasis did my hair and I think it completed the whole 20's look. The only thing that cost me for this night's outfit were my shoes! I won't mention the brand since they left my feet aching so much by the end of the night. I may have to invest in some insoles or sell them at the next Bloggers United Bazaar. They're really pretty but I don't know why I can't seem to find a decent & comfortable pair of pumps around here. Might be because my feet are so weird-- I'm either a size 7.5, 8 or 8.5, so when choosing shoes I really need straps that go around my feet. So far all my purchases have been okay except for all the pumps.

I had so much fun catching up with Mia that day. We went around the Fort and Makati to look for last-minute beauty supplies (lash glue, false lashes, contacts, etc.). We were so loud and bubbly the entire day that we ended up feeling sleepy when we got to the party. Thankfully all our friends were there and the music was just too good so our sleepiness wore off.

Oh and since this post is in line with the 20's theme, can I just say that I am SO excited to watch the Great Gatsby-- the trailer looks amazing!!!

Cosmo at 15

Cosmo 15
Cosmo 15
Cosmo 15
Cosmo 15
Cosmo 15
Lissa, still kickin even if it's her 3rd event for the night. 

Cosmo 15
Tracy + Kookie

Cosmo 15
Cosmo hunks on stage

Vern is so up-to-date with my life since her beau is my "cousin". It's always nice catching up with her during events! 

Finally saw Jess! Haven't seen her since she went out of the Big Brother house. Thankfully we got to talk for a while. She was with the other housemates. 

Kate was wearing a dress that coincidentally paid homage to Donna Summer

Cosmo 15
Still amazed at how Cebuanos keep winning Big Brother... Congrats, Slater! My mom is your biggest fan. LOL.

Cosmo 15
Bumped into THE BJ Pascual before leaving the venue, so I also had to chat up with him for a bit.

Cosmo 15
Jess, my instant tan.
[you can check out my full outfit post here]

Cosmo Philippines celebrated its 15th anniversary last May 17 at the NBC tent. The party was packed! I personally love Cosmo for their fun & fearless campaign for women. They awarded some very deserving girls that night for numerous categories and also had a fashion show of their favorite hunks.

Congratulations to your successful event, Cosmo Philippines! And thank you for always teaching us how to be fun, fab and fearless!