KC del Rosario

Roaring Twenties

Obligatory girls' room mirror shot

And this was the last photo taken with my camera (I know, why did I even bother bringing it?)
We spotted Vania in the bathroom and we all got too excited that we forgot to take a better photo 


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Happy birthday, Paolo!

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Thank you to Mia for the headdress & Izabelli for the pearls. My fashion friendsies are the best!!!

Our friend Paolo chose a really fun theme for his 19th birthday this year, so when I found out that Mia was flying in from Cebu I was super excited to dress up for it! Initially I planned to wear another black dress for the night but I ended up repeating my trusty bandage LBD since it was simpler and I felt that the accessories and makeup were already over the top. The lovely people at Emphasis did my hair and I think it completed the whole 20's look. The only thing that cost me for this night's outfit were my shoes! I won't mention the brand since they left my feet aching so much by the end of the night. I may have to invest in some insoles or sell them at the next Bloggers United Bazaar. They're really pretty but I don't know why I can't seem to find a decent & comfortable pair of pumps around here. Might be because my feet are so weird-- I'm either a size 7.5, 8 or 8.5, so when choosing shoes I really need straps that go around my feet. So far all my purchases have been okay except for all the pumps.

I had so much fun catching up with Mia that day. We went around the Fort and Makati to look for last-minute beauty supplies (lash glue, false lashes, contacts, etc.). We were so loud and bubbly the entire day that we ended up feeling sleepy when we got to the party. Thankfully all our friends were there and the music was just too good so our sleepiness wore off.

Oh and since this post is in line with the 20's theme, can I just say that I am SO excited to watch the Great Gatsby-- the trailer looks amazing!!!

Nicki Minaj + first half of July

Starships were meant to FLY

The screens transformed the stage into a Barbie house

I loved this funky outfit & her sky blue wig! 

The lucky gals she brought up on stage

One of them turned out to be a Philippine All-Stars dancer

I officially love Nicki just cos she's so cute & she calls her fans Barbz. I loved it when she performed a bit of reggae and ending the night with Superbass was perfect! It made the arena shake.

I was a bit bummed that I didn't make it to the press conference that morning (I was too sick to get up) but 'til now I still can't believe that I'm able to see some of the biggest pop stars live & up close! Ever since I moved here for college it's been a lot easier to watch all my favorite musicians. My dad doesn't really get why we have to see them perform live and I used to cry about being stuck in Cebu (back in high school) whenever a huge star was performing in Manila... Especially when Alicia Keys was here! I envied my friends who flew to MNL for the day just to see her. Imagine having a home in Manila and not being allowed to spend a bit for tickets to see my idols...
But now I can't even count the number of concerts/awesome gigs I've been to this year! Soooo thankful. Nothing compares to being constantly high on music.

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Thank you so much to Globe for the tickets!

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Was happy to be seated with my batch mate Pia (she knew ALL the songs; biggest Nicki Minaj fan I know)

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...and Cheyser! Had fun talking to her about blogging & taking up interior design on our way to the arena.
Tried our best to come up with colorful outfits. My top is from Folded & Hung

I even made my nails pink & glittery for the concert

Now for some more iPhone photos snapshots taken this month...

My friend Kat arrived from the states and of course she had to "fight her jetlag" by partying on the same night she got here.

Cesca + Kat 

Bumped into some friends... 

... and apparently had long conversations with them. If not for these photos, I wouldn't remember ever seeing them! (Sorry, Nicole! Still wondering about the talk we had)

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Honestly had to photoshop out some of the lipstick smudges on this photo... Tip for the ladies- never wear dark lipstick when you're planning on drinking a bit too much (for the record, I didn't intend to. SRSLY). 

Thanks to Joseph for taking a zillion photos with my iPhone and for reassuring me that I was able to walk out Privé like I was totally fine. 

Before I end this post, I want to say a big THANK YOU to...

...SUMMIT MEDIA for always sending me my favorite zines each month!
(Not pictured- Yes! Magazine, which my mum stole cos it's her favorite)
You can still get this month's issues at your favorite bookstores

...to SAMANTHA GODINEZ for my super cool oversized glasses...

... to Sheen /HEURSHEEN for these wicked spiked loafers...

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...to Jen Nguyen for bringing me home the iPhone case I've always wanted...

And thank you, bacteria-infested Manila, for making me cough my brains out last week... resulting to 2 cancelled gigs :(
Makeup helps to make me look less like a walking zombie, but I had to keep my hood on during all my review classes. These self-shots were taken to prove that the amount of makeup was thick enough to cover all traces of redness on my face. Thank God I'm a girl and the use of concealer is deemed acceptable & normal.

I want to apologize for posting tons of iPhone pics on this entry, but sometimes taking photos for Instagram is just so much easier than having to take out my camera and adjusting the settings for everything. Fret not, I promise to use my "real camera" more for my next post. I am dying to share so many things with you guys but I haven't had the time to actually sit down & organize my thoughts for those topics.

For now, please check out the writeup that Folded & Hung posted about me on their Street Life section HERE. Get to know me more especially if you're new to my blog.

And please pray for me to focus and study well for my big exam!!! Hopefully the lack of good blog posts will be worth it in the end. :)

Champagne, champagne!


Happy birthday, gorgeous. 

Kate + I having too much fun with the fruits 

I don't know when voting's gonna start but please support Mia for Bb. Pilipinas 2012! She's contestant no. 28. 

Mia's get-together ended late but I managed to make it to Route 196 right after to watch Robin and SOJU...

Then a few hours later we attended the lunch launch + press launch of Rob's album Overwait at Rockville (Arnel Pineda owns it)

Congrats for winning Favorite New Artist at the MYX Music Awards, Zia!!! Well-deserved! 

vibrant mural of Arnel Pineda 

Visited Manila F.A.M.E. at SMX later that afternoon... Finally had a chance to catch up with Issa!

my extended family-- kuya Vito & ate Issa

mommy Evelyn! 

the Delilah rocking chair

Dining table still by Vito... Visit his site to inquire about these pieces or visit the Manila F.A.M.E. at SMX to view them. It's going to run until March 17. 

by Paula/Vikki Rodriguez

my friend Nike (jewelry designer) made this chess set!

Thankful that I got to see my close friends right after arriving from Baguio! They keep me sane when my parents aren't around... Will be posting photos from my short trip soon. :)