David Cua

Cebu/Sinulog 2013 photo diary

Kryz's birthday at the very chic Henry Hotel (formerly known as the House of Cebu)

Kryz + David

love these two 

Interior designers! 

more about the hotel on Kryz's blog post

I had to fly to Manila the day after her birthday to settle some things for work, then traveled to Cebu again 2 days after to prepare for Sinulog weekend.

Went for a night out with the girls on Thursday, had a gig at the Outpost on Friday, then had my early birthday celebration at one of the ballrooms at City Sports on Saturday before hitting the clubs. 

Amber x Funk Avy at the Loft 

birthday dinner outfit 

I haven't seen some of my high school batchmates in over 5 years! It was great to catch up with some of them. 

Quinito, Lor, Pia, Ayen and Steph- my Sinulog buddies & house mates from Manila this year (missing Ianna in the photo)

With the fab bloggers! Thanks for comin, guys! Appreciate it :) 

Sunday at Baseline...

Nix Damn P! 

How crazy am I for snapping photos while trying to maintain my balance on the fence with these two?! Some of you may have read my tweet- some guards kept hitting our butts with tall sticks since they wanted us off this fence. Ha!!

By this point, I had to leave. The photos show how blurry my vision was getting from all the shots I took. We walked to Ayala where I had dinner with Mia and some of my friends before I managed to end up at the Marriott hotel where my parents stayed for the night. 

The madness at Baseline during Sinulog gets crazier each year! Gotta hand it to the Rhipstop/Spectrum .PH team... It's always a party to remember! My guests are always looking forward to the street party and Cebu gets flooded with visitors from all over the world because of the beautiful Sinulog parade. Next trip, I'll be hittin the beaches since I miss island-hopping around Cebu. 

Love visiting this city because I'll never get tired of the warmth and hospitality of the Cebuanos. The people add to the list of what one can look forward to, aside from the resorts and all the food of course. Thank you to those who helped me show my friends from Manila why I love this place! And to my mom (I know you're reading this)- you're the best host ever! 

Cebu photo diary (0226-0307)

My Beauty and Beyond godmother, health/fitness freak & kindred spirit, Jen. 


David and his cool DIY mask

Neil made his own mask, too!

The Beautiful Cebu Movement Foundation recently organized a really grand masquerade ball last February 29 at the Waterfront Hotel in Cebu. It was the main reason why I visited for a while but the trip had to be extended since I had to fix some papers and I wanted to take a break from everything. The event was amazing! Everyone obviously prepared for it and I think I enjoyed the free-flowing champagne too much (my excuse for the lack of better photos of people). A lot of personalities from Manila flew in and I loved how they decorated the ball room. 

Mia made my dress and it was done over a couple of e-mails and some inaccurate measurements I took myself sent over text. I only had a day to try the dress on and thankfully they fitted it properly the morning after. I went for the safest design and color-- black with a plunging neckline and a slit (that I forgot to pose with ala Angelina) in front, plus a long trail. I don't even have a decent photo of it and these photos don't do it justice (I have this but it's not clear & it just highlights me stepping on some girl's gown) . I guess I ate too much champagne an hour into the program. I managed to walk out without tripping and proceeded to Gilt with friends right after, only to find out that I impulsively ate fries and left the contents of my purse in Mikel's car! 

That night was too much fun and I'm glad I actually stayed for it. Some of my friends know that I had to battle some issues during the first night of my stay, and I guess that experience was a prerequisite for an amazing week in Cebu. 

My mom is the total opposite of me and thought that I was having a hard time coping with my horrible first night experience, so she made it a point to send me to the beach while I was away from Manila. I amazed everyone (including myself) at how easily I was able to overcome it, and my friends were all wondering where my emo tweets went (LOL). I guess I was able to remind myself quickly that I have more than enough to be thankful for and that I knew myself well enough to survive. As I've said before, not everyone is as privileged to have choices in terms of love, career, lifestyle, etc... I am super grateful for my parents and friends who've instilled a deep sense of faith in me at an early point in my life. I don't think I would've recovered in a couple of hours if it weren't for Him and my spirituality. I know faith is something that can't be forced on anyone. I'm not a perfect Christian myself (I am so far from it) but it's what gives me the most amount of confidence in myself. It's the only thing that truly fills that void. 

Back to my trip... 
The original plan was to join my father in Boracay for a meeting but I didn't have enough time and had to catch an event that week. 

I stayed at the Shangri-la Mactan Resort and I seem to have forgotten how beautiful it is!!! I guess I took those beach trips for granted when I was a kid. Growing up in Cebu makes it possible for you to travel a mere 30 minutes to get to any beautiful resort you want. The management was also really kind enough to upgrade me to a room with a seaside view!

I invited my friends who were free that day, and most of them arrived at night.

My brother visited the next morning and only stayed out with me for 30 minutes! He went back to the room to study for his biology exam and then left the resort before lunch. I hated him for ditching but it reminded me of how much of a nerd I was when I was his age. I never used to like the beach as well because I wasn't fit or confident enough to don a swim suit. I did the same thing during most beach trips- stayed inside hotel rooms and ate my heart out at the buffet. Much has changed since high school.

The goggles are cool, okay. I spent so much time snorkeling since the fishes were too pretty! So glad my contacts didn't fall out or dry up during this trip. I really need to get laser eye surgery. 


I'm so happy that I actually stayed in Cebu for a while. This trip made me realize that I really didn't take time to see my good friends during the past visits. I got to hang out with people I haven't really talked to since high school plus I got to spend more time with my mum. At times I ask myself why I chose to give up my life there, but then I get reminded of how much I want to grow and really push myself to be in a bigger, more fast-paced city. I've never been one to stay in my comfort zone. I am so thankful that I have an island paradise to come home to, and I am even more grateful for the wonderful people I get to see each time I go back. 

Bachelors-Femina charity ball + Cebu

I was invited to participate in the Bachelors-Femina Innocence Day Ball at the Casino Español de Cebu last December 28. Bachelors-Femina is a socio-civic club for unmarried members of the “crème de la crème” of Cebu Society. The girls and I modeled creations made by famous Cebuano designers and we also had to perform the Rigodon de Honor. The event was for the benefit of the Hands of Mercy and Asilo De La Milagrosa. It was definitely loads of fun and it was great seeing my friends dressed to the nines in traditional Filipino attire! Thank you so much to Dexter Alazas for letting me wear your creation! 

my Filipiniana was sponsored by Dexter Alazas 

Mia Arcenas wearing a Ronald Enrico creation

Holly Dychangco wearing a Mary Ty

Kryz Uy wearing a gown by Ronald Enrico (sans the cape/sleeves)

Cara Riña's Filipiniana by Vandale dela Bajan

Karla Henry was the host that night

Jasmin Sarmiento (wearing an Allan Patring creation) with Pichai Theamtusana 

Charmaine Chua sponsored Natasha Lilja

Lesty Rodriguez's gown is by Harley Ruedas

Jennifer Sarmiento wearing an Allan Patring

More photos from my trip...


Made a quick stop to the annual CIS party Seasons Greetings after the Drink for Life fundraiser at Starting Point...

Went to VUDU on my last night!


Thanks for the photos, Mikey!


Crappy outfit photo [here]


I had to go straight to the airport for my 5AM flight. Then I caught up to the rest of the Cabreras at the Riviera house in Tagaytay for our New Years Eve celebration.

CEBU WAS GREAT! I'm heading back on the 8th to celebrate my birthday (in advance) with some friends from Manila who are also taking part of the Sinulog festival.  

See you there, friends!