Milan photo diary [part 2 of 3] - Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2014

The Salone del Mobile was the main reason why I traveled to Milan a few months ago [view part 1 here]. I don't really travel out of the country unless it's business-related or if I know I can attend a convention in the city [Instagram is deceptive]. This was my first time to attend Salone and I think every designer should go at least once or twice!

those planters are EVERYTHING.

My dad goes crazy each time we come across a booth with things made of polyethylene [well that's what we make, after all].

Strategic placement of lights create a tunnel illusion! This mirror was so cool.

I was happy to find the Filipino designers' booth! They were 11 showcasing in this space. Also glad I bumped into Kenneth C. and got to introduce him to my parents (dad's a fan).

I'll forever love shelves that serve as partitions.

Sleek boy's room.

[continued to part 3 here]