inspiration board + perspectives of my new flat

When I first started designing my new place I knew I had to base the overall design on some things. Firstly, I was going to be living alone so everything had to be easy to clean & simple. I also had the added challenge of fitting everything into a tiny, one-bedroom unit. I had to include a small dining area, lounge, and a work station (desk + drafting table). For the bedroom, I needed a vanity and a closet with enough space for all my shoes.

Because I prioritized my shoes over clothes, I decided to make the utility cabinet into a shoe cabinet and add another shoe rack in my bedroom beside my closet. I figured I could place other things on the shoe rack if I didn't want my shoes inside. 

To all my readers who are also OC interior design graduates, please excuse all my perspectives! I started designing this place even before I got myself the InteriCAD software and only used Google Sketchup (which is also a great tool). Not to worry, I am already learning to use InteriCAD!

I wanted the look to be a bit scandinavian, but also wanted it to reflect some of the more common new york apartments with white bricks on the walls. In college, my designs would always be more masculine and simplistic compared to my peers. I didn't really like decorating and adding feminine touches to my works as much as the others, but I can definitely say that I've learned a lot since graduating. 

Just like my old study, I wanted the living room/work station's walls to be white. I also added faux brick columns on the walls to add some texture. At first I wanted my flooring to be polished concrete, but that took a lot of meetings with different contractors and none of the ones I talked to knew what to do to achieve that effect. I know the method but I don't think any of them wanted to risk doing that inside a condo. I seriously need to meet more contractors for future projects... Oh and the endless search for contractors also led us to doing the work on our own. I don't know why my dad persuaded us to talk to a bunch of contractors when we had skilled workers in the company! So yes, all the furniture (except my couch) that I will reveal on my next post once the place is done were made by our workers.  Which is great since we got to save a ton of money which could've went to the contractor's fee! And might I add, it's a THRILL to see my furniture designs come to life.

For my workstation, I made sure that I had a desk that could store some files while concealed from anyone entering the place. I also designed a super cool glass top drafting table (thank you, Janis, for buying my old one). I know I'm going to have to switch to computerized renderings for future projects but I figured I could always turn it into another desk (for you know, art and stuff) whenever I decide to bid manual perspectives goodbye. I also wanted my books to be seen, cos they serve as great room decor, so one portion of the wall has those stainless steel book shelves.

I bought these Real Good chairs from BluDot the other week for my dining area & I'm still looking for bar chairs for the taller portion of my table. I designed the table that way for when I'm using my laptop. Sometimes I just like sitting on a higher table, I don't know why! Plus it makes the super tiny dining table look interesting. It also allowed me to put tiny drawers concealed in between for my cutlery, salt, pepper, etc.


I have yet to figure out what to place on the wall near my drafting table. It's either more frames, artwork or a corkboard for inspiration pics.

I also wanted mirrors on one side to give the illusion of space, and the rest of the walls are left bare for WHITE frames just like the photo below (got the photo from HERE)...

For the living room, I got the 2212 loveseat by Borge Mogensen. The design dates back to 1962 and it's one of the Danish designer's most recognized pieces. It's small but it's one of the softest, most comfortable sofas ever since it's stuffed with down and upholstered with buttery leather.
 borge mogensen loveseat

I knew that I wanted a kitchen that looked modern and clean. I had a draft of what I wanted it to look like but I asked my batchmate Charisse to help me perfect the design. Her family owns & runs Trends & Concepts and they make a bunch of modulars for interiors, as well as furniture. They also helped me perfect the designs for my closet and pull-out drawers for shoes to fill out the space of the utility cabinet. For the splashboard, I wanted rectangular tiles at first (like the ones on the photo of the kitchen on my mood board), but they suggested that I use the more updated square-cut glass tiles. The overhead cabinet drawers will also be made of the back-painted glass. Not to worry, the hinges are silent & soft-closing so if I ever get angry and try to bang all the kitchen cabinets, the doors won't break. LOL! 

Because I am such an insomniac, and making my old room green (the most calming color) didn't help me one bit, I made my bedroom's walls grey to hopefully make the space more sleep-inducing. This made my dad comment that my flat sorta became a night/day thing. Just like the first round photo on my inspiration board, I wanted wood planks on the wall. I knew I couldn't place a headboard on my bed because the space was so small, so the planks on the wall sort of created that headboard feel. The shelf on the right side will be for some shoes and maybe even some books.


I used the same wood pictured above for the wall and floor to give warmth to the room. You may think that the dark wood makes the room look even tinier, but I made sure that the shade of grey wasn't too dark, plus the right wall will have panels of mirrors which are actually the doors of my cabinets. I guess that balances out everything.

I'm not sure about the design of my vanity but I am finalizing that this week and hopefully the workers will be able to finish it before I start reviewing for the board. I just need a huge mirror with lights on the side, plus enough room for me to be able to put my face up close the mirror (since I'm blind like that) for when I'm doing my makeup. That niche near the window will be a place for accessories and little trinkets. I might have to place decorative boxes to store some more essentials in, plus I already have two ceramic lamps from Heima (one's shaped like a camera, and the other one's a telephone) as my night lights.

Untitled-1 copy

I still have to decide whether or not I'll be putting anything on that wall near the vanity. I'd hate for them to fall on my face during an earthquake (God forbid). But then again, I've always been a fan of those cold, empty rooms

That's basically all there is to say about the design for my new place. Little by little, I will be decorating and fixing some things. The lighting's just simple and I just added a few drop ceilings with LED lights. The space is quite small but it's great since it's cozy and I can truly call it my own! It's a great investment and if I ever get sick of it, I can put it up for lease.

I will be posting photos of it once it's done. I honestly can't wait to start living on my own!