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Took a break from wearing my typical plain/all-black + blue denim ensemble by pairing a printed bright top with pink shorts. Both pieces are from Folded & Hung. 

If you don't follow me on Twitter or Instagram, then you probably haven't seen my announcement about being one of Folded & Hung's newest blogger brand ambassadors...

I'm so honored and glad that they chose me along with Ira and Miko to rock their edgy & versatile pieces. I believe that a brand's image depends greatly on their endorsers, so I've always looked up to F&H for choosing Anne Curtis (one of the few Filipino celebrities I absolutely adore) to represent the brand. It's great that they trusted us to represent them online. You can check out the outfits we'll be putting together on their website under the Street Life tab. Our profiles will also be there in the upcoming weeks, so keep visiting the site! 

You can also get updates by adding them up on Facebook & Twitter

I rarely go out now, so whenever I do I'm most probably wearing something from F&H. 



This was during our guesting for CgeTV 
(F&H top under the jacket) 

wore an F&H top during the Manila Music Fest

...Then changed into another F&H top after getting attacked by water guns at the music fest 

See what I mean? 

Can't wait to post more looks soon.