plantation excursion

There were a couple of people panning for gold, bathing and washing clothes by the river.
What a view!

Lunch tiiiime

Rice plantation alongside their fishery
He got 3 fishies and I got only one. We threw them back in the water, btw. HAHA! But poor fishies got booboos on their mouths now :(

My friend Steven invited me over for lunch at their farm in Busay last Friday.
What a beautiful place! I love Cebu! It only takes 45 minutes to an hour to go from the city to the mountains OR the beach. Paradise.

And now my calves hurt like hell because of the workout PLUS two weeks of wearing heels all around Cebu :) That and crouching so much during random shoots with friends. I think I'm the first girl in our batch who's visited this place. It takes a lot of balance, I tell you!

This was so much fun.

I'm heading back to Manila this Tuesday night.
Will miss Cebu so much.
