Go baby, go go!

models: Rizbelle Ostrea and Vanetee Alvarez
my "assitant" for the day: David Cua (thank you!!!)
(shoes still by Precious Flow)

Taken around Cebu Business Park (Park Tower + Chinabank-- yes, that's where we were able to score the reflective windows for our backdrop.)

Man, running around in heels and short skirts in the sweltering heat is something common during my photo shoots. As much as I'd want to NOT let passersby get a glimpse of my undies, I just can't stand wearing jeans at this time of the year. Had to wear jeans last Sunday for the first time in two months, and it felt odd. And oh, this was the 3rd time I wore heels while taking pictures. HAHA! I'm getting used to it! Last Saturday they named me the most poised photographer and followed some of the freakin' poses I unintentionally did while photographing them! FUUNNNYYYY. :)

We kept crossing wide roads in heels and skirts but it was okay since the traffic around the area wasn't too heavy. Just had to wait for jeeps and cars to clear out since their reflections would always be in the frame/mirrors. Here's to low-budget photo shoots!