

I succumbed to wearing a simple LBD! 

...but made sure to wear party lashes on.


my twin sister 

fellow interior design girls

my CDO ladies

This is probably the same blurry vision that my friends had that night while I forced them into taking birthday shots

Norwegian ladies

How did I end up in Republiq? Too much of a crazy night for me. 

I think I've managed to out-party myself during the first few weeks of 2012, having the first big celebration during Sinulog weekend in Cebu and then following up the next few weeks with random night-outs with friends here in Manila (people have been greeting me since Sinulog weekend!). I felt like it was too much for me to hold another birthday celebration here, but the promoters at Fiamma were kind enough to host my birthday last Saturday. This made me try my best to pass on text messages to some friends about the last-minute plans of my 22nd bday bash just a day before the party. It was pretty funny how I felt like the universe really wanted to me to celebrate. There's really nothing else I want for my birthday after being showered with too much blessings ever since I've graduated from PSID... 

My CSB graduation is up next and then the construction for my new flat begins... These past couple of months have made me realize that I haven't been shooting for the stars. Why do I feel contented with the slightest accomplishments lately? I feel that living in a smaller town during my teenage years had me aiming for shallow things, which turned out to be easy to attain with just a bit of patience and effort. 

It's been 5 years since I've moved in with my dad here in Manila and I've been more than thankful for all the people I've met and the opportunities I've been given. A lot has been linked to this blog and I really want to thank everyone who's been reading this online diary since I've started it!!! Been gathering some small knick-knacks for my first blog giveaway and for hitting 3,000 on Twitter before 2012 (I wished for it during mid-2011 and was surprised that it came true). 

This year I'm pushing myself even harder to actually do something more significant in my life. Hitting 22 has slightly made me question my sense of urgency, career-wise. Nonetheless, I'm really thankful for so many things. Being able to breathe and actually notice so many of the things I'm lucky to have has been a lot easier after being freed of the toxic schedules I had last year. 

I know I'm not the most diligent blogger in the world, but I'm glad I have so many great memories to look back on because of this little corner I have in cyberspace. Thank you for all the well-wishes and greetings, friends! Happy birthday to my dad as well! 

Halloweeners (part 1)

Halloween at Fiamma
(Friday, Oct. 28) 


No decent photo with Steve Jobs :( 

Clai and Trixie rockin super cool makeup! 

Yeap, feelin so cool with that gun I found. 

I actually just found this gun lying on our table! :P  I accidentally left mine at home after spray-painting it since they don't sell realistic weapons at toy stores anymore. 

I brought mine the day after to our next Halloween party but they confiscated it at the door (Resorts World). Boo :( 

LMFAO x Manny Pacquiao

He's cross-eyed. Hilarious.

Antisocial pic 1

Antisocial pic 2 (and holding a grudge against Pia)


My first costume this year wasn't homemade. I got the whole getup from a huge costume shop in New York last year but failed to use it since I went for a DIY thing instead.

I got my very first wig from Catwalk Cosmetics (thank you, Marj!) and was amazed at how the quality was so good even if it was pretty affordable. Delivery was free and the wig cap came with it, too.

Iz also got her costume from America but she had it altered to fit since it was a men's costume. Ria was totally cramming and luckily she found this workable costume at SM.

I have rediscovered my love for that department store and will explain further on my next post. 

We totally need more Costume Cauldron-type of stores here!

STATUS Yard Sale!

 Hi, friends! RALEENE.COM + Skinny Sweets will be sharing a booth at the STATUS YARD SALE 2011! 

IZABELLI will also be there! We're both selling old and even some unused clothes, shoes & accessories! It'll be FUNBring CASH!

OCTOBER 22, 2011, 10AM-6PM

at Fiamma, Jupiter Street, Makati City

Entrance is Php 80 only!

MUSIC BY: Fiamma's resident DJs Toons Canoy, Vince Cabrera, Katsy Lee, Jazz Zamora, Bobby Maddatu, Paolo Abrihan, and Renz Unson
Check out the Facebook event page