Status Magazine

Saturday Scout Troopers

My Saturday started out with a photo shoot for PULP Magazine. I was informed about the shoot just the night before so I didn't even expect that it was going to push through. Riz and I didn't have time to coordinate regarding our outfits/props so we just met up at around 10 AM. 

The first two floors at the office were under renovation and we were greeted with stacks of their previous issues by the entrance...

We went up to the 3rd and 4th floors and had fun shooting around their colorful office in all angles.

The photographer (Mark Sy) didn't know anything about our music so he went through our Facebook page quickly. He was surprised that we were only two in the band and even more surprised to find out that we were sisters (we actually get that reaction a lot). Our group photos were taken while singing our version of Thinkin Bout You with Riz playing the ukelele-- it went by really fast. 

We then had our headshots taken. It was a simple set-up inside the recording studio but I loved the lighting which made even the raw files look good. 
These BTS shots make us look so serious but we were really laughing the whole time. Mark's engaged to a Cebuana so he kept throwing these Cebuano words at us. I dont know why, but everything sounds lighter/funnier in Bisaya

More Instagramming ensued after the shoot. 

PULP magazine HQ

We left PULP and I decided to pick up my dry cleaning at Rockwell before proceeding to Aracama for  the STATUS Scout Trooper  party (Au Beau Blanc cleaners are really good, btw. I trust them with all of my coats/suits!). 

STATUS parties are always so cool. I love the crowd they draw at their events since they're a mix of people from different industries. Failed to take more photos with people since I'm currently trying out this thing wherein I set aside my phone/camera during social gatherings so I can converse with people more. Trust me, mobiles really restrict you from socializing!

Locally made Don Papa Rum... Tastes good on the rocks and I'm loving the bottle + label! 

We were asked to wear camo/utilitarian outfits for the event. Being the lazy dresser that I am, I decided to throw on a grey & black camo print cardigan since I knew I was going to end up at the [cold] studio that night. I couldn't find any of my military green tops for some reason... Which reminds me that I have to check out the closets at my old house. Gotta unearth all the unused clothes for the next Bloggers United bazaar!

I initially wore my mid-length heeled boots to the STATUS party...

then changed into these thigh-high boots from Janylin before we had dinner at Wildflour since I didn't want to record wearing platforms. They are extremely comfortable but I constantly have to pull them up since they're too loose for my legs. I have to remedy this because I'm planning on abusing these babies for more trips to come. If you're interested in the heeled version of these thigh-highs, they carry those, too. It'll cost you about Php 2,500+ or a little over $60. 

Riz and I went to Makati after dinner and I sang over some tracks for Marcus at his studio in Makati. Hope I can post the song here soon. It's really different from what Riz and I are used to- it's a dance track and it even has a bit of dubstep after the chorus. So cool!  

Hope your Saturday went well. Announcing the winner for my blog giveaway soon!

STATUS Magazine tea party


the new office is super cozy

the afternoon was basically just a whole lot of craziness 

with unlimited milk teas from Moonleaf

fellow bloggers

The Adam Levine bookmark was too cute

Challenging musical chairs using ergonomic chairs with wheels... 
Half of the group playing were Status interns & the rest were bloggers. Krissy won the game. Hurray for bloggers!  

I love the blown-up photos of their past issues around the office. Can someone refer me to a place that does high-quality prints? 

back to a black + denim ensemble for a rather gloomy afternoon

Lovin' this sheer, lightweight blazer from Folded & Hung! It's perfect for our bipolar weather. 'Twas really great worn over the overly-loose denim top (which I even had to tuck it in my skirt for these shots). 

The tea party was a lot of fun & I am diggin' the new office! Status has sure come a long way. I can't believe I've been getting their zines even before it was being distributed at our school for free! I remember being photographed for my outfits during the first issues, and of course I can't forget being featured in it as an influencer for Sony Walkman.  Big thanks to the Status team for inviting us bloggers for an intimate tea party to view your awesome new issue with my lover on the cover (LOL). 

STATUS Yard Sale!

 Hi, friends! RALEENE.COM + Skinny Sweets will be sharing a booth at the STATUS YARD SALE 2011! 

IZABELLI will also be there! We're both selling old and even some unused clothes, shoes & accessories! It'll be FUNBring CASH!

OCTOBER 22, 2011, 10AM-6PM

at Fiamma, Jupiter Street, Makati City

Entrance is Php 80 only!

MUSIC BY: Fiamma's resident DJs Toons Canoy, Vince Cabrera, Katsy Lee, Jazz Zamora, Bobby Maddatu, Paolo Abrihan, and Renz Unson
Check out the Facebook event page