
My cousin Gemma rushed to our room in the morning since she hated the dress they had for her... Luckily my mum flew in with extra dresses for the wedding (yes, she is a girl scout!) and the bunch included the prom dress I wore as a junior. It fit her perfectly! I also used the bag that was made with it. (gown designed by Ray Kwan)

She also surprised everyone last year by shaving all her hair off on her father's death anniversary. He died of cancer so my cousin decided to donate her locks. My sister did the same to her hair when she was younger. I have two sets of locks to donate, too- one from when I had my hair up to my knees during grade school and another one from when I decided to rock the faux-hawk [2 years ago]. If you know someone who needs hair for a wig, please let me know! 

bridesmaids and groomsmen 

I did my mum's makeup! I look so much like her when her brows are groomed. I look more like my dad but with makeup my mum and I look like twins. Since she's a quarter Chinese her eyes are so much smaller without the falsies and heavy liner. 

Just tons of mascara, no falsies on this day. AAAH I love Rapidlash. And no, I'm not in any way sponsored by them! My mum claims that castor oil works just as well for strengthening and lengthening lashes. I might give it a try once I run out of RL. 

My dress was by Justine Belano

My cousin Grace got married at Acuaverde, Laiya last Sunday and I attended as a bridesmaid. Only a few of us from her side of the family were able to witness her walk down the aisle since a lot of our relatives from Baguio weren't able to make it. Some of us came from Manila and the others flew in from Cebu and Ozamis. 

I honestly hate going to weddings, not because I'm anti-mush, but because I just can't stand the formality of it all. Last month I attended two and I sort of shuddered at the thought of attending 2 more at the beginning of the year. This one was simple but pretty different just because I saw how happy my cousin looked, still in disbelief of the the turn of events in her life. Even if she's only my mum's half-sister, they  remained some type of closeness by sharing the same priorities and values. She's always expressed how much she's idolized my mum for being such a hands-on parent and I'm glad that emulating her turned to be a positive aspect in her passage to motherhood. 

I guess from her life I learned that you have to be genuine & considerate of others while still knowing your worth. If you work hard and feel like things aren't going the way you want them to, you just have to strengthen your faith in Him, continue to take care of the ones who matter, and eventually everything will fall into place. Sometimes His plans take time to unfold, but in the end the journey and struggles are what makes you appreciate everything you have even more.