deux jours

I didn't get to take a lot of photos since we were doing rough games/challenges under the heat of the sun + rain + mud + dust during our stay.

These photos were taken during our free time/indoor activities...

We took a pump boat to transfer from the parking area to the island/Caliraya.

Sir Nicky Jardenil AKA "Little Boy"- he's our batch adviser.

First assembly

Our beautiful view

We stayed at dormitories that housed 15 people. Fun!!! People came to our cottage on the eve of my birthday while my friend Nikki made sandwiches (yes, she brought a sandwich maker haha!). We shared drinks + chips. Slept at around 2AM since we had to get up at 6 for breakfast.

Aivan won an award for the most creative name tag (well look at his design, he truly deserved it!), as well as the "Mr. Japorms" award for dressing up even during our challenges (he wore Doc Martens and leg warmers).

I won this award and was really glad that they recognized my... skills. Well it would've been embarrassing if I didn't step up/take the initiative of serving my team and helping people throughout the tasks- we were trained in high school for all those since CIE boasts of being "a school for leaders" apart from it being a business school (well, running a business requires those skills anyways). Leadership is not about bossing people around. You have to listen, enlighten, guide and serve others- which will let you earn their respect. A perfect example of a leader would be none other than Jesus Christ.

Thank you to the kind words during the team building, friends! That small piece of paper was a good representation of the best birthday gift I could ever receive from all of you!

Nikki was our F.A. during the bus rides! Thanks for the snacks, Nikki!

Photos from JD:

OH YES that's my game face right there. Can you tell that I was super determined to let my team win?

We won 2nd out of 7 teams. Not bad, considering we only needed 10 more points to beat the first placer! :P

I wonder what Nini and I were talking about

PSID graduating batch of 2011 :)

Our school community's just so diverse... I have classmates fresh out of high school, students from Benilde (people like me who are taking our majors already), mommies, grandmummies, architects, engineers, nurses, teachers, etc. But we all manage to enjoy each others' companies. The mums take care of us and provide us with so much food! And oh, they also try to discipline us when we get too noisy. :))

Brian and I were rowing while Aivan and Kaye served as our "passengers". We won this, too! My love for kayaking and manly shoulders played a big role. Started to rain and the current was actually strong so we were rowing backwards for while... Embarrassing.

We were so effin' competitive, in a good way. I loved my team! We were supportive of each other and almost did summersaults each time we won the games.

That's me with the really muddy knees!

The mud slide! We basically had to walk uphill to the starting point and go down a long slide to a muddy pool while holding 2 cups of water. The team with the most amount of CLEAR water in the pail wins! We obviously had to shower and scrub ourselves so much right after. Teehee!

Our teambuilding turned out to be so much fun! Thank God I went. I got to know my batch mates and I think a lot were surprised when I participated and talked to them during our 2-day stay at Caliraya. In school, I would normally just sit with Pia and Toni, say hi to some people every now and then, but I never really got to mingle with a lot since I would always rush to places after school or arrive late during my classes cos of sleep-deprivation from the previous night's gig/shoot/event, and of course from doing schoolwork.

Hopefully we won't forget the good times we've shared (LOL) during the construction of our exhibit! That's when the nasty things happen... Tun dun dun.... But, oh well. I'm hoping for the best, as usual!