Back for 2nd's

The old Mag:Net cafe at High Street has been transformed into this:


Our friends BJ Albert and Luigi Tabuena invited us over for dinner at their restaurant named 2nd's last Sunday after church to check out the place and try out their food... It's not open to the public yet and they've been inviting only friends and family since they're still not contented with everything. I don't really know how restaurants work during their first month, but I think they've got it all figured out already...

Weedge did the interiors. He's not an interior decorator/designer but he likes architecture and interiors. He's sorta obsessive-compulsive. I noticed when he was decorating his condo unit at Serendra... But that's definitely a requirement in his profession (he's a director).

The massive door's actually a portion out of the old flooring of the old Mag:Net. It sorta reminds me of that steak house I used to frequent with Red and Issa called Elbert's Steak Room. That night I found out that Elbert Cuenca did their menu. I can't eat steaks anymore but I still crave for Elbert's tasty and pretty desserts.

They took out the balcony of the old Mag:Net to give room for this big stage. We weren't able to try out their sound system that night but I think we must head back to do that sometime soon (hehe)...

There's a private room behind it.

It hasn't been cleaned up yet but it looks good. I wonder what those lockers are for?

Remember him?

Of course they had to have clean, roomy toilets... They have two separate toilets plus a washroom outside.

Sang and some more friends from CS

This was our menu for the night and Weedge gave us Monopoly money to pay for our meals... He says you'll probably have to spend about Php 550 for one meal when they open... Not bad.

When Riz took a bite of of this, she told me "I pity you for being a vegetarian."

Weedge entertaining the guests and Riz cutting in the frame.

T-club member Rizza was tweeting. THEY HAVE FREE, FAST(!!!) WiFi. Of course this is a requirement for a great restaurant.

Pat was BBM-ing

French onion soup

Riz and I fought over one. She regretted not ordering one for herself. LOL

Almost forgot to tell you guys that we didn't eat so much here since this was our second dinner, and Pat's 3rd... This is what happens when people don't tell you that they're treating you out for dinner and you end up restaurant-hopping since free food is free food. Pat and Riz had to share this dish. I exchanged my original mac'n'cheese order for their side dish (smaller cup of mac'n'cheese).

This is the full serving which ended up on Riz's side of the table. (I just couldn't swallow a whole bowl after eating half a slabwich at Chuck's)

This beats the truffled mac'n'cheese from Mr. Jones. It's not too salty and the consistency of the cream is perfect. I love the noodles they used, too.

Ribeye steak aftermath. I guess Pat couldn't finish his share after pasta from Starbuck's, California Waki from Chuck's, chicken lollipop and French onion soup. :))

We all sampled their wine.

"PaoloV's assessment"

I think this was Sam's or Kiana's. We were all told to write our comments on the paper table covers...

Can't wait to go back when they officially open! I hope they have desserts.
