too cool for dancing

I wore my favorite blue polka-dotted dress again :) Thank goodness I still managed to make it work with the less-feminine hairstyle.

Waiting for our turn at Casa Nami

Borrowed Ianna's glasses. Made my head spin a bit cos I was already wearing my graded contacts (-3.00) and those were graded, too!

Made so many new friends who kept handing us shots/drinks. Kept refusing since I've quit drinking! (Yeap, I'm on my 3rd month!!!)

This is me pretending to be the clingy girlfriend and Paulo lookin all surprised at the sudden change. LOL

He watched 3 of our gigs this week where we sang the exact same set... LOL I pity him...

I have successfully recovered from that nasty flu that has caused me to miss a week off school, a midterm exam, 2 photo shoots and my beau's birthday bash/going-away party while in Cebu. I haven't had one ever since I turned vegetarian (yeah, AMAZING!) so flying to Cebu while I was ill sorta helped since mum was able to take care of me... I was able to get tests done and I still hate myself for wasting a couple of days in idleness but everyone kept telling me to rest so I could recover quickly. I did, however, manage to photograph my friend's clothing line and then rush to another studio to model for another friend's upcoming campaign... I am flying back on the 26th to model for their show at the biggest Shangri-la hotel (OMG YES) in our country and I am SO excited!!! I do need to fly back the morning after, though... I have to perform for Salamin's album launch at Teatrino, and that is something I'm looking forward to as well!!! More details on that soon...

So far I've been buried in lots of work, school work and GIGS! The beau's in town for 10 days and I had to help him pick out clothes for Michigan since he's finishing his studies there (for a year an a half). Yeap, it's gonna be LDR to the next level. Seriously can't figure out how I manage to survive this long distance thing. I feel like a hypocrite for preaching that these things just cannot work when I was younger, yet here I am, risking my first-ever relationship by trying to make things work through IMs, phone calls, Facebook posts and Skype. Again, HOW DO I DO IT??? That is a question I ask myself every freakin day. LOL.

I felt like a stylist for a few days since I had to help out the beau plus I also helped his brother pick out a suit for this Star Awards night thing. Oh man, I can NEVER become a stylist... It is so difficult to go shopping and pick out clothes. A lot of people would be shocked to find out that I personally loathe shopping for clothes... I am the laziest person when it comes to fitting and going to stores... I'd rather shop online and have everything delivered to my home.

Just a quick update about our band- we are now looking forward to getting managed by someone outside of the family, and that's something that will definitely help us in terms of schedules, bookings, etc. As some of you may have known, we were given the opportunity to work with tons of people, and have gotten a couple of offers from managers and labels, so we feel so blessed... As for our music, it will be available for you guys pretty soon, and I don't wanna spill the details just yet. Exciting things are happening and we are pretty patient about the whole thing just so we're sure that we're getting into something that will be available worldwide for more people to enjoy!

I feel very blessed and excited for what He has in store for us...