
I came as an American cultural icon, Rosie the Riveter! Remember that one look assigned to me during the last photo shoot? I scrapped my original idea of coming as Spock and whipped up this costume on the last minute! Okay fine, I didn't try to think of a costume til 2 days before halloween.

Polka-dotted ladies! (Inez went as Minnie Mouse!)

Gab made his own Captain Planet Costume! So cool. Robin put-together his own costume, too- Baywatch babe Pam Anderson! Props to these guys for bein creative!

Pao trying to get some air (LOL) and Riz the lumberjack fiddlin with her awesome toy chainsaw!

I ruined this photo simply because of my b*tchy face. LOL. Someone should indicate whether or not we're goin for fierce or friendly in each pic! LOL

When Nikki tripped and couldn't believe it all happened in a split-second. LOL

Arrie as a waitress from Merlotte's (True Blood!!!!) and Ianna as WHITE TRASH! Oh yeah.

That's Paolo, btw... As Davy Jones!

Sam lookin' like a hot version of Beetlejuice!

Kiana as Venus Raj

Oh my... Weedge, this photo is so wrong in many ways. :))

It was Pia's first time to dress up on Halloween, and she came as the whale we all hate- Twitter's FAIL WHALE! It ain't so clear but she has orange birds on her head, plus she was supposed to have more of em around her dress (but she left them in our friend's car). Aww, chear up, Pia! Next year we'll totally see your crush! :))


Some cool photos (as usual) by Inez...


And here are some more photos c/o the Daylight Productions' Saturday Night Dead album. I feel like I didn't take enough photos of people around the place since we really didn't wanna lose our "spot" in the club. It was too full and we were so lucky we still got a table!


Sportin one of my first lipstick purchases... I got Ruby Woo (what I'm wearin... Russian Red was out of stock. Boo.), Blankety and this deep purple color from MakeUp ForEver! Quite happy with them but it's just a pain to draw them on myself since I don't own any lip pencils... Thankfully I have full lips, but I make such a mess sometimes. Gotta practice! Hope I don't get too lazy to put on lipstick on events or else these babies would be put to waste.

Any of you have any lipstick tips/suggestions for me? I'm used to putting them on other people and photoshopping the hues to perfection but I fail at doing it on myself. LOL.