
First time for my photos to take up full pages in a magazine!

Thanks to Camille and Coexist!

Just when I was about to say goodbye to photo shoots and photography (now that I'm in school again), my dad messages me about seeing my photos in some magazine. Thought it was going to be a small feature but it was a whole spread! So surprised. So yeah I'm taking it as a sign to not completely turn my back on taking photos. I have to study up and learn more about it! First I have to learn how to take photos in a real studio with lighting equipment (obviously I never use studios and lights) so my photos are cleaner and so there's less for me to edit. I think I'm more used to taking photos outdoors since I can always play around with the elements around the area and planning outdoor shoots takes less time (or no planning at all).

And then... I'll be exhibiting my photos for the first time (not really my first exhibit but this will be the first time I'll be exhibiting fashion shots).
Opening night is moved to October 17.