Last Saturday, I did a photo shoot for Coexist, a line by Camille and Charlotte Co. Another photographer, Tricia, arrived before I did and took some outdoor shots. I did the "studio"-type shots when she left.
It was nice meeting new people at the shoot! I also loved their new dresses. The photographs I took were for their online catalogue, so they should be up soon. Check out their online shop! Their pieces are waaay cute. I don't usually shop on Multiply but now I'm thinking twice about neglecting the good online stores there.
Here are some photos from the shoot (will be posting the rest after I'm done with the PP, of course):

Gonna tweak the other photos a bit like that last photo. I've been editing since Sunday. Had to take my eyes off the computer for a bit so I attended the premiere screening of The Proposal a while ago. Damn, Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are so hilarious and schmexy!
And oh, my votes on StyleBible went waaaay up, thanks so much to those of you who voted for me! Damn. This is just so craaaaazy! Seriously.
And and and-- i would like to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FRIENDS, JANET & JOCILLE! I miss you guys. :)