music video

might as well be president of the universe

Her whole album's been giving me good things to dream about.
Why did I decide to get Biophilia just now? I am the worst fan.

A preview of her iPad app. 

It's a bad app to have. I've been staring at the animations and toying with each song's "instruments" for days now. 
You get to read about the influence/inspiration behind each song and all the animation's just so... hypnotizing. Made my sister want to have an iPad.

Fine, if you don't want to get it you can just... buy her songs or something. 

Someone Like You

I know Adele's super hyped up right now and I think (?) she's coming to Manila this December so I decided to do a post with her songs! 

Don't you just love this music video?!

This was the video of when I first heard the single. Did I post this before? I remember CRYING when I first watched this. I can't even relate but her emotions were just so evident throughout the entire song.

OK now for some covers by yours truly... Just to prove that I've always been a die-hard fan! 

We loved Adele's first album and made our first video doing a cover of her song when Riz first moved in (2009). We weren't even doing gigs at this point & we weren't performing together. I was part of our school chorale and Riz did her own thing on YouTube.

Fast forward to when Rico Blanco gave us the name Walkie Talkies. This was when we first experienced being in a real studio. We were also just starting to perform together. 

We were jamming once (first time to practice this song) to Adele's My Same while waiting for Rico at Tracks recording studio. This is a super rough video but he urged us to post it on my old channel so he could post it on Tumblr.