
the Social Network



Watch the trailer here.

Heard about this movie a year ago and I really couldn't wait to see it after watching the trailer...

It's about how Mark Zuckerberg was able to start his own social networking site from his college dorm in Harvard. Being an antisocial computer programming genius that he was, the site quickly earned thousands of hits during its first few days. As of today, it's as if almost everyone can't live without a Facebook account. Mark became the youngest billionaire and earned 500 million friends. But with success, it's impossible not to lose a few friends along the way...

Saw him appear on Oprah last weekend and I was so surprised that he was able to maintain a simple lifestyle. He didn't live inside a mansion, and he's married to a girl who he met before he built Facebook. I really wanna know his entire story now!

I'm looking for people to watch this movie with me this coming Saturday (October 2) at 1PM... It'll be at the Columbia Pictures private theater on the 5th floor of Shangri-la Plaza mall. It's free and all you have to do is blog about getting to watch it early so more people will be willing to see it when it premieres on October 27 here in the Philippines!

@reply me on twitter or send me an e-mail at with your full name and blog URL...

Boys in the girls' room, girls in the men's room.

The daybed arrived in time for my usual lazy Sunday routine- watched an old flick (The Belly of an Architect) which only increased my yearning to travel to Italy even more. A lot of the things we've been discussing in our History of Art & Architecture class have been appearing in the movies I've been watching lately (Angels & Demons included). But I think before getting too hyped up about going out of the P.I. for my break next year, I have to discover more of Manila. Recently attended a talk about Cultural Heritage before competing at the first European Union Choral Competition (we won 2nd runner up!) and the speaker mentioned that unlike other countries wherein everything beautiful is laid out for you to see, you have to exert some effort into looking for Manila's sites. So that is exactly what I intend to do next weekend with a couple of friends. 

I find it pretty creepy that all the things I've been getting/purchasing are white. Like the vint Doc Martens I received last week (my best Ebay find yet) which I've been using a lot, btw. 

A crazy idea popped in my mind the other day-- that is to chop all of my hair off. But some friends of mine commented that it would finally make me look like a total boy, considering that all the outfits I've been putting on recently have been androgynous (I haven't been posting them on LB and Chictopia).

What's wrong with all the whites and lookin like a boy?

Feeling quite lonely now that my family and cousins have fled out of town for a week, leaving me here to study for my midterms. But as usual, taking breaks here and there, taking comfort in my old flicks. At least there's still some architecture in it, right?


The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

"I think I should give up smoking."
"I think that's a good idea. What can I give up?
"You can give up being too nice. Seriously, you can't make everybody happy!"

Watchin Happy-Go-Lucky and doin my nails on another laaazy Sunday afternoon. Sometimes it's nice to watch films that don't seem to go anywhere. Subtle, but there's always a message or two. 

There was this conversation between Poppy and the driving instructor about educational systems forcing you to think with your left brain- so you lose your individuality and think that if you trust the system, you will get an awesome job with a good pay and be happy with your life.

What is the meaning of life? Big question, right. I think I might've just changed my opinion about people who seem too happy-go-lucky. 

Happy Mums' day to all mummies (and soon-to-be-mums) out there. Don't forget to greet your mum, send her a cookie or somethin. She deserves the attention! 
