coro san benildo

sleep and merriment

PSID Christmas Party
and that is why we'd rather sit while performing. LOL (height difffff)
the bag and jacket-- I covet. (vint beaded blazer from her grandmother)
My coffee shop buddies (missing Jen- you ditched after my performance! Lol)
More batchmates
grabbed some of the photos from: Pia, Jeje, Za & Juenese

Tagaytay with la familia
(Such a small group! Lacking 1 more Cabrera family, mum and my brother)
Oh yes I was the only one who wasn't "out of it" yet I'm the eldest among my cousins :))

Oh yes, I finally figured out how to create trippy, slow-sync shots with my Lumix :))
AND I survived 2 Christmas parties without pigging out. HA! Good luck to me for the other upcoming parties.

My supposedly party-hungry buddies and I were surprisingly prim and proper during our school's Christmas party. Hmm... I think they're harder to please when it comes to the crowd and music. Oh and I forgot to mention that "well-behaved" was the best way to describe me that night- we practically sat on the couch the whole night and still managed to sweat! Man that's my pet peeve when it comes to clubs- bad AC.

My schoolmates and I were rejoicing that we'd finally be able to sleep during our break! Yes, sleep deprivation or NOT SLEEPING AT ALL is quite normal in our course. I actually had a hard time sleeping normally after 10 hours of sleep the other night. I stayed up til 5:30 AM the following night/day cos I felt like I slept too much the night before. At least I can get hours of shut-eye now! I was amazed at how much difference that can make to your whole aura. I've been living with the zombie look for months now. Hopefully I haven't given anyone a scare. :))

My holidays will be filled with WORK. Thankfully my loved ones will be coming over.


So sad I wasn't able to join them during the semis and finals... GRRRR couldn't practice and compete with them cos of my final exams and projects! Still, I'm sooo proud of them for making it to the top 10, battling against 80+ awesome choirs from all over the Philippines! So proud :) It's amazing how we've grown as a choir. I can still remember those times when I was still starting out with Coro and we had trouble finding a conductor. Went through so many hardships and it's so cool how we're starting to be called a good choir. Imagine being able to compete with the country's most matured and recognized chorales! Anyone can sing but it takes real talent and perseverance to entertain! I'm not all about recognition, it's just that it's nice being able to see and feel that the hard work my choir mates and conductor has poured into this is paying off. Choir is not easy. It is not merely a matter of getting spoon fed the right harmonies/notes. Add that to the work and schoolwork each one of us has to put up with everyday. I'm amazed at our ability to stay energized. Thank God for coffee and power naps? No. Thank GOD! :)

That's all... Happy Holidays, everyone!


Hazel's lunch
Pia and Jen both got the eggs benedict with ham sandwich. It looks soooo good! They both couldn't finish it. It looks stuffing.
My usual grilled organic vegetable sandwich. Yum! My favorite :)
Rosewood- we all wanted to go swimming!

My classmates and I had lunch at Chelsea Market, Serendra last Friday after our Perspective 2 class before headin out to Rosewood Apartments to do our Ergonometrics Finals project. Let me tell you-- designing a 2-storey fine dining Indian restaurant and a 2-storey doctors' office (for 4 different doctors) is so much pressure when you're pressed for time! Gotta finish all the floor plans, sections, perspective/dress-up and presentation for defense before Thursday. Add that to our other plates and me rehearsing for our choir's Christmas caroling stints and MBC Chorale Competition this Wednesday. Oh gosh. I can do this! Better stressed than idle, I always say.

SOOO HAPPY that Chelsea / Chelsea Market's finally opening up a branch near Podium. I love that restaurant! Sometimes I go there to eat lunch alone while looking around and finding things to draw on my Moleskine. I love their interiors and how so much light goes in. Natural light is good for you!

I love doing things alone once in a while. I need my me time. I can even watch movies alone! Some people find that weird but for me it's therapeutic. LOL laugh at me if you want to but I need a few hours to myself each week to think! I can live for months without going to the Spa or getting a massage, but I need my me time! :)

My choir's performing at Tiendesitas tomorrow at 8PM. We're singing Christmas songs at the activity center. Hope you guys can watch us!

**loooovin the LX3 for food pics. I think I've mentioned that in my previous post already :)) My friends love how their pictures turn out, too. YAY!

Tara's Theme: Music, Love and Friendship

African Noel by Coro San Benildo

(audio quality sucks, so at some parts we sound soooo flat. lolz.)

Last Saturday, we sang at the Meralco Theatre for a benefit concert entitled "Tara's Theme: Music, Friendship and Love."

Other performers included the the Philippine Madrigal Singers, De La Salle University chorale, Assumption Antipolo Choir, Ateneo De Manila choir, Jose Mari Chan, Karylle, PPO Flute & String Trio, Julie Borromeo Performing Arts, the House of Dance, Musica Chiesa, piano virtuoso Nick Nangit, guitarist Mel Orosa, etc.

We sang Circle of Life, African Noel and The Lion Sleeps Tonight.

AAAAH the Madrigal singers are too awesome (YouTube them!).

We sang "Bridge Over Troubled Water" with them for the finale.

Pairing our corsets with denim. Yessss fashion faux pas backstage :))

Some of the guys with Mr. Jose Mari Chan (we sang for him after the show and I think he invited us to his place to sing Christmas carols. lol)

Me as the not-so-liddol [alto] choir girl.
