Ronac Art Center

UP EcoSoc launch

The launch was held at the Secret Fresh Gallery at Ronac last September 1. We spent an hour waiting for it to start so the usual blogger activities ensued-- we snapped photos of the cute toys all around the first floor and took outfit shots for each other... 

I was the only one who didn't ask for Ira to take my outfit photos since I hated my getup and, well... We all know I'm not a religious outfit-poster on my blog. 

We wanted to take group shots with that orange cow..

but realized we'd covered it on all our photos. Oh well, nice spot lights make for slightly-dramatic shots. 

The whole store has those sort of things that would make you want to put up shelves around your place, just to fill them with expensive toys. 

We were asked to speak when we got introduced as ambassadors... Will never get used to my face being flashed on a big wall. Ew.

We found another cool wall to take photos against

The complete set of ambassadors- Ellie, Dani, Miko, Ira and I

"What makes you an icon?" Cue cheesy answer- I am fearless.

We basically spent the whole night sippin on spiked Kool Aid and munching on cheese sticks... I can't believe I managed to visit my old home after that to bake for Skinny Sweets!

We've been working with the UP Economic Society for their month-long event and they've chosen me to be an ambassador for music and [Interior] design. I'm so grateful to be included in the roster and had a blast with them during our photo shoot a few weeks ago. The anniversary party/main event will be on September 22 at the open space beside Mercato Centrale but they have the whole month of September filled with different activities... Hope to see you guys on the 22nd!