



Some photos grabbed from the ladies:


My Saturday started out by modeling for Suelas. Jackie said she saw me last Thursday entering Issa's condo but didn't get the chance to talk to me since we rushed in the elevator after screaming "Omg shoes!" while they were unpacking their new collection. She was able to contact me the day before the shoot thanks to Kryz, who also modeled for them twice. I ended up doing my own makeup since they thought I didn't have to put on any (WHAT)! The makeup artist was taking her time with each model and since I was ready, I hurriedly did my own makeup. Good thing I know my face very well. Eyeliner, brows, mascara and face powder- just the basic makeup I had in my bag. They also insisted that I picked my own outfit since they didn't want me to look like them, so I put on whatever I could. My turn went by really fast! It was fun, though!

I went home, slept and woke up just in time to change and head to Greenbelt to meet up with fellow bloggers. It was fun meeting new people! We had dinner at Mr. Jones and then headed to Cubao X for Meiday! Myk and I were the only CubaoX regulars in the group, and we failed to describe to them the scene. I changed into a shirt when I got there, while the others were still so dressed up. I still managed to sweat. After letting them observe the crowd/place and listen to some of the bands, we ended up at Allan's Grill to chill and talk...

In attendance were: Honey, Ana, Aie, Pax, Krissy, Reg, Ava, Cath, Myk

Had a great time last Saturday even if my plans were made at the last minute!

Lunch at Mr.Jones

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my cousin's Sarsi float and my ice cold water. Today was a suuuper hot day!
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Riz's strawberry iced tea :)
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The only salad in their menu- Garden Greens. For Mr. Jones's healthy friends! :))
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Ooohyeah, truffled mac n' cheese!
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My cousin's the only meat eater so she got this- tapa overload!

Lots of people have been raving about this new diner called Mr.Jones at Greenbelt 5. Every time we drop by to have dinner there we end up being on a loooong wait list so in the end we always give up and go to another restaurant. Luckily they're not as packed during lunch on weekdays so we got a table, but we still had to sit outside. Super hot weather + leatherette seats DO NOT mix well. LOL. The place was super cute, too! Mr. Jones is by the same people who's responsible for my other favorite restaurant, Chelsea.

Everything we ordered tasted real good! It's just sad that this resto isn't very vegetarian-friendly (not much choices for us in the menu). We had to request for them to take away the bacon in their mac n' cheese, but it was still super good. Truffle in mac n' cheese! How exciting is that?! Their tapa was soo tasty according to my cousin, but she was just disappointed at how much fat they included in the slices.

Would love to try out their desserts, potato wedges and milkshakes next time!