Gab Valenciano


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dress- Topshop, boots- Aldo, earrings gifted by my friend Izabelli 

This was my 2nd outfit for the Nightmares concert last March 2 at Teatrino.

I took some photos using my iPhone but I don't have any from the actual concert since I was on stage the entire time. 

The guys were hard at work setting up before sound check. Riz edited this while we were having our technical rehearsals.

.... while I was enjoying having the dressing room all to myself.

We shared the dressing room with the talented and funny Zia. I was amazed at how her yaya was so good at styling her hair! 

We did our own makeup. And girls, the only time you should be doing the duck face is when you're contouring! 

Thank you sister for taking photos using my phone. Dedicating a portion of this blog for this flattering photo of you. 

Selfies are in order when you're made up by Raleene! 

This was my view from the stage while Riz and I were doing backup vocals (+ ukelele) for Rob.

My mom and aunt are fans

Riz + Gab + my aunt 

The concert was a success and I'm so happy that we got to perform with the likes of Rob, Zia and John Sung! It's so much fun sharing the stage with really talented people. Congrats, Robin!!! 

You can download the Nightmares album for free on this website
Don't forget to add us on Facebook for gig scheds.

first half of April 2012

softshell crab sandwich from 2nd's

a fave- Caprese Tower from 2nd's


Some photos from Walkway 2012 
(I didn't get to take photos of each of the stations since I spent most of my time at the merch table selling the shirts and CDs) 

Promoting Walkway on MYX with Pat, Riz and Robin! We also sang a few lines from our song, Keep Me Company which you can download for free HERE

photos from the Walkway concert during Easter Sunday...
So nice seeing all the Valencianos up on stage! 

Turbo Goth is always fun to watch & I love Sarah! They performed after us during an iScream gig at 7th High

At the STATUS magazine anniversary party in Prive with one of my idols, photographer BJ Pascual. I've known him since his Animoism days in La Salle and it's so cool seeing all his works published on most publications! 

Hanson concert in Araneta..

Robin was the opening act. Congrats on your new music video!

the Hanson brothers

they also performed a cool acoustic set 

They all look so different now but they sound exactly the same!

LMFAO concert

With Erika, Sam, Pia, Jen & Riz!

RedFoo sang alone that night. He explained why SkyBlu was missing but it's something I can't write on this blog. :p 

obviously from their song, I Am Not a Whore 

With Quest Crew!

Champagne Showers that lasted for a few minutes! I wonder how many bottles were used up for this part... 

"I work out"

Soju at SaGuijo...