FYI weekend

Day 1
Our own dressing room! Yay :D

dress + shoes- Zara; belt- Topshop
Thanks to Kat Cuizon for this pic!
CIE String Ensemble

Day 2
Riz's jacket- Terranova; shoes- Converse; shirt- Topshop
studded blazer- Spanish Moss Vintage; tank top & skirt- Zara; lace-up boots- Topshop; belt- Issa's
Thanks to manang Pina
Gotta have my warm brownie cup from La Marea everytime I visit Cebu!

Went for a quick trip to Cebu last weekend since CIE invited us over for their annual production called FYI. Riz and I sang a total of 4 songs with the band. Our brother sang with some kids, too. It was super fun! So happy that I got to see so many CIEans again and we're pretty excited for the alumni homecoming and concert this coming October.

Mum recorded our performance and gave me her memory card but I don't have a card reader for the Sony memory stick! Will upload it sometime this week...

I miss Cebu already!