David Guison

Bloggers United 3

new fave nail lacquer- Chanel's Blue Rebel 

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This is officially my new favorite blazer from Zara. And I'm proud to say that I survived in those shoes the entire day! It was the last pair from Topshop and I'm glad I didn't need to change into flats like the other bloggers. And oh, excuse my awkward hairdo. I took a risk and blow-dried it that morning (my first time to style my hair, ever!) but the heat inside the hall totally killed it. And can you believe that I used a tiny comb (the ones that guys use) with the blowdrier? Someone buy me a real hairbrush ASAP. 

Photos of the madness that ensued right after the jump...

I got there late (around 11 AM) to set up and found a long line extending to the floor below us. The entire hall was this full throughout the day! 

I didn't get to take photos with my camera so I asked my sister to go trigger-happy with it. It was difficult to take interesting shots because of the amazing turnout, so a lot of the photos came out to be of random heads and items. And oh, try to spot me in this photo! My height + those 6-inch wedges = hard to miss...

Fellow PSID batchmate Aivan was my boothmate again. I love how it's so easy to plan things with him. He commented on how it looked like we had a photo shoot for our banner (I just edited the levels/curves, etc.).

I always love Reese's ever-changing hair color & quirky accessories. 

After hauling 2 huge boxes and a luggage full of clothes to the venue, this was what was left at around 2 PM. 

These babies are still up for grabs. A little worn out on the soles because of some nights of dancing but they're still pretty altogether. A steal for P 1,000! They're from ALDO. Send me an e-mail if you want them! 

My noisy helpers during the bazaar- Riz & Gigi

The programme was fun & lively thanks to these two

I was able to take photos with some of the bloggers after we packed up our stuff- which was a good move since we were all relieved of the stress from selling & entertaining all the lovely people who came to the bazaar...

With Lissa!

Didn't expect Robbie to arrange his banner that way after the bazaar. It was so funny! It originally spelled out "Robbie Off Duty"

I stopped Cheyser before she got out of the hall to snap this photo. We were supposed to go clubbing that night but I got sick after the bazaar! I guess the stressful week took its toll on me. 

I will forever love Kookie's style. Just like Lissa, she was one of the first bloggers I followed on Chictopia when blogging wasn't really a thing yet.

I covet her crystal pendant! #RaleeneApproves

David G

Another neon girl, Laureen! Thank you for cheering during our performance :)  

I will forever love Gelo for his quirkiness! 

The Enciso twins sisters 

Gelo made a couple of those name plates with bloggers' names on the phrases

I consider Cams as one of those bloggers who've "made it", and I'm happy to say that she's still the same-- extremely nice and sweet like her pre-blogging days! And yes, we have the same blazer.

dancing/taking photos against the purple lights after the success of the event

Although I didn't have enough time to talk to a lot of the other bloggers, I was so happy that I sold a lot of my old clothes yesterday. I want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who said hi, took photos with me and bought from our booth. As I've mentioned so many times before, I'm slowly moving to my own place now and the closet isn't as spacious (though I made sure that I had much more room for shoes). You guys helped me earn and at the same time clear out my wardrobe!

The 3rd BU was super fun and I don't know if it was because of the more intimate venue, but I think the turnout this year was bigger compared to the previous ones. Please continue to support the small community of Filipino [personal style] bloggers for better events such as this! See you all again this December! :)