


Thanks to the Loft/Penthouse Cebu for the pics!


Pics by Ria and SNL-Club Bureau's Pam Santos

Fun night-outs with friends! I know I may have to lessen my partying in the near future, so I'm making it a point to have fun and see a lot of people before the term gets too intense!

But ooooh I'm so excited for this weekend! Gonna be watching Usher's concert! Afterparty and a friend's party right after! :D


-All photos taken with my LX3.-

forgive me for shakin the camera too much. i was trying to be... stealthy. heheee

Whenever the beau comes to town it's mandatory that I finish all my plates/designs early so I can have the weekend free with him and some other friends. I always look forward to such weekends! Nowadays I don't force myself to go out on weekends unless I have friends visiting. I feel so guilty whenever I go out because of the pile of work I have to do and the energy I waste. :)) And NO- I will not say that this is a result of getting old. Eeep.

The beau organized a get-together for his brother to meet some of his fans (LOL) last Friday at Mario's. It was a pretty interesting night since that was when I realized that he was getting recognized by a lot of people already. Everywhere we went- from the nearest 7/11, gas station and grocery store to get some drinks for the condo- people would come up to him, say hi or ask for a picture. Funny how reality shows can make people gain sooo much popularity over a span of 6 months. Even when he was late for the guest list at the club, he got in for free and was told that he didn't have to pay cos he was a "celebrity". Oh gosh those words just send some really bad pulses up my spine. LMAO.

Saturday was pretty chill- chillin at the condo and bein a doggy-sitter. Twix is just too cute and now I reaaallyyy want my own little pup already. It's gotta be a Yorkshire terrier OR a teacup pomeranian. My apartment's small and I want one I can bring inside malls.

Sunday- watched Wolfman. I was expecting more from it but it turned out to be... BLAH. I want to watch a really awesome movie soon! ALICE! Hopefully my uncle will organize a premiere showing somewhere. Heeheeee :)
This weekend Riz and I are gonna be in Cebu to perform during Centre for International Education's annual school production entitled FYI. Hopin to see a lot of familiar faces! Will be flying out immediately after school (hopefully my professor will allow me to defend my design on his lunch break eeeeep!) so expect the usual haggard face on stage! LOL


Private movie + dinner at Shangri-la Plaza

Afterparty at Bureau

Roadtrip to Tagaytay for our Sunday brunch at Leslie's

fave- Crispy Kangkong!
I wasn't tempted! :)

Me and my younger siblings :)

I intended my birthday celebration this year to be a more intimate one. My 18th wasn't a big debut, it was a surprise birthday dinner- my mom and brother flew in from Cebu to gather up my friends at TGI Friday's (I was so stressed with play/combat rehearsals back then to even think about having a party) which turned out to be sweet and fun. My 19th was also sorta a big gathering at Fiamma. That party made everyone guessing as to how I was going to celebrate my "scrapping of the teen" birthday. I was sad that I wasn't gonna be able to invite most of my friends, but I felt that I had to make it a smaller celebration. I think this age isn't so significant to feel the need to have a big bash anyways. Gotta save for my summer trips!

Had a private screening at the Columbia Pictures office (have to thank my uncle for that) and moved to Tender Bob's for an early dinner. Mum and brother made it late since they flew in from Cebu again, and the beau had to leave early since he had to be on TV (nooo I can't find a full video of it on YouTube!). Still happy about the turnout-- all my close friends were there. :)

Waited for the beau for a long time and practically fell asleep at home for a few hours before we could drive to Bureau for the afterparty. Saw a couple more friends that I haven't seen in a long time which made me SOOO happy! I think I stopped taking pictures after a couple of minutes cos of all the excitement. :)

I've noticed that I've become more aware of the fact that I've been blessed with so many good people in my life. I've hated myself for not being thankful enough that there are people who actually care for me, I've taken them for granted and I just realized that I haven't been expressing my gratitude. Maybe I didn't see it then because I allowed myself to wallow in self-pity (ugh self-centeredness is such a sin)... The whole weekend I found myself smiling inside soo much. So happy that so far we've all been drama-free, after noticing so many people who actually thrive and live for the drama. I'd hate to be one of those people-- drama is toxic. I would never want to pull in so many people into my problems. Some people have to learn that, too!

This will be a good year for me!
