Giveaway: 3 Punchdrunk Panda camera straps!

Before the official release, I was fortunate enough to join the Punchdrunk Panda team with some bloggers for a preview of their latest collection of camera straps. They're really cool, functional, durable  and proudly Filipino-made! 

You can view the full brochure HERE with more info about the designs and artists.

They were also kind enough to give me 3 camera straps to give away to my readers!

Air SLR camera strap by Jo Malinis 

Land SLR strap by Dan Matutina (top) and Wilder compact camera strap by Fran Alvarez 


1. Follow me on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook

2. Follow/like Punchdrunk Panda on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook

3. Tweet or Instagram "I want to win a @punchdrunkinc camera strap from @raleene! #RaleenexPdP" (You may edit the text as long as Punchdrunk Panda and I are tagged + the hashtag is included) 

4. Email me your name, the link to your tweet and your preferred camera strap (

Deadline is on June 15, 2014! Please Tweet, Instagram and e-mail me just ONCE. Winners will be notified through Twitter DM.