accessories - Stockton Row, dress - NAVA, bracelets- Tiffany & Co., heels- Aldo

Just last night I had this outfit on as I walked into the emergency room at St. Luke's Hospital after having my palm cut open thanks to some exposed steel on the cab's door. Had to get 2 tetanus shots plus I got my palm stitched up since I can't handle going through any infections before flying out of the country! I told them the pain was about 1/10, but seeing your insides through a clean cut is a bit alarming. Walking in the ER with my noisy heels and a fist full of blood wasn't exactly how I planned my Saturday night to be after watching my sister's gig, but it was extremely hilarious. Good thing I brought along a jacket, my height and skimpy dress was already a bit too loud for a sad, quiet place like a hospital. I don't know why I suffer from injuries out of the lamest situations- I once broke my ankle after standing up too quickly right when I woke up from a nap... Pain crept in once my feet "woke up" and I had to wear a cast for 2 months. Okay, maybe getting injured in the city is a lot better than getting into an accident somewhere far from civilisation so I'm going to stop complaining...  

Stockton Row recently gifted me with these accessories from their first collection, and I am absolutely in love with their line because it is of equal parts delicate and androgynous, drawing inspiration from travel and free-spiritedness... SO ME! They're the perfect addition to any simple outfit since they're not too overpowering. It's the little details that keep it interesting, especially for an achromatic dresser like me. 

Check out Stockton Row on InstagramFacebook and their official website. If you'd like to see the items up close, they're available in Seek the Uniq and at Cura V in Rockwell.