As soon as everyone from my hometown and the other parts of the country prepared for this super typhoon, I was already getting nervous about its effects and I knew I had to prepare myself for the photos and videos that would be posted online... I don't have cable (I choose not to watch TV) at home so I rely on social media for updates about everything around the world. This video just really made me so emotional and angry at the same time -angry because people in these cities were obviously not expecting something like this. They kept repeating that it was going to be a "storm surge" but nobody knew exactly what that meant! 

As of this moment I'm just glad that we were able to get word from our relatives in Abuyog [after 2 days of not being able to reach them] that they're fine and there are no casualties in their town which is just an hour away from Tacloban, the city in Leyte with the most number of reported deaths. Although their house doesn't have a roof anymore, I'm super glad that my grandparents are still okay! Can't say the same for the other cities though and I've stopped myself from watching any more videos of the aftermaths. The bridge to their area is completely wrecked so I have no idea how my uncle is going to get there since he's braving the terrible conditions to bring my grandparents' medication and some food for the rest of the family. 

I know we all have our own ways of helping our countrymen and I'm glad that people are showing that no good deed is too small- it's okay to share that you're doing your part. I don't want to rant about the government officials in my blog anymore... I'm encouraging everyone to make even a small donation or help out in packing relief goods. The Bangon Philippines site isn't so updated but you can find other links to different organisations whom you can donate to on the same page. Unicef also has a simple and secure form you can fill up- just donate any amount you can! 

Christmas is just a few weeks away and I hope you guys have the heart to help out instead of buying excessive gifts. Our country is obviously unprepared for these kinds of disasters. Don't you think we can all sacrifice this year to just helping others out? Imagine all the families with no home to come home to and nothing left in their possession. A day or two of meals, water, medicine and toiletries would surely lift their spirits up for the holidays as we celebrate the season of true self-forgetfulness