new boots [via iPhone]


Couldn't wait to post better photos of my new mid-length boots from ALDO, so pardon the quality of these as I didn't have the patience to do my usual set-up when I got home from our [super fun!!!] gig. 

 I've been dying to purchase these babies for weeks but I had to make sure that I wouldn't sacrifice my month's budget for shoes, especially on another pair of boots. My attempt at frugality proved to be really successful this time so I knew that I deserved them. Gone are the days when I couldn't last a week without hours of retail therapy, and I have to thank my independence for that. I always thought living alone would lessen my expenses for the home but with nobody else to shoulder the cost for all the things you need for cleaning, cooking, etc., you're left with no choice but to buy them yourself. I'd hate to rant and I know that some of you guys live alone as well, but to me and a lot of my friends, fending for oneself and detaching from your folks at my age is almost a foreign concept. I've decided that I want to expound on that on another post, but I already feel that I have more positive experiences to share about my first few months than discouraging ones. :) 

Thanksgiving traditions will commence tomorrow and I'm excited to see my cousins again! Thanksgiving in the Philippines?! No hatin... My fam's the only one that's not composed of Americans in the bunch. Heh. Although I wish we had tofurkey readily available here. 

If you have nothing else to do tomorrow, spot me at our gig for the BGC Passionfest [High Street] at around 5:30 PM. Will be rockin these boots, of course.

Ending this post with a great number from Riri. Y'all probably know I love her but her live performances never used to impress me... Listen to her voice now! Great modulation & you can barely hear her flats. This is my favorite song from her new album, too. Enjoy.