double the fun

It's been a long time since I've done a multiplicity edit on Photoshop and I thought it would be fun to combine my portraits for this entry... As I reviewed the shots I noticed that he duality of my personality was reflected in them-- I captured the same amount of static & motion pics. 

My uptight self hatin' on my crazy side.
I know I should know myself well enough by now but even I can't figure out why I'm such a bipolar creature. I guess it's fine as long as I know which to switch on when I work and play. All that matters is that I am REAL. As cynical as I may sound, I can spot fake people from a mile away and this is why I only choose to hang out with a few, and if possible, I stay in seclusion. 

Okay, enough about this self-assessment nonsense...

Might've delighted in the fact that I discovered taking photos against my perforated shades proved to be effective (for portraits). During the day they allow just the perfect amount of light to creep in for backlit shots. For the images below I used my huge floor lamp and built-in flash for lighting. I can also eliminate the shadows by disabling the flash & setting aside the lamp but I wanted them for these photos. Sometimes shadows are good. 

Perfect white background, yes!

What I wore to lead worship today. Happy that I got to sing my thanks to the Lord for passing the board! I will forever be in disbelief. I know I deserve it but I felt like I abused my lucky streak just a wee bit... 
men's shirt from Team Manila, boots from Charles & Keith, glasses from Uniqlo 

Maybe I should hold off spending on some decent equipment (background + stand + lighting) for now. This simple setup should suffice until I get a bigger place OR til I decide to give photography another go...

Hope you all had a great Sunday!