BGC Impromptu (Sept. 2)

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Had a blast performing during our first BGC Impromptu gig last Sunday at High Street Central!

Riz and I performed for an hour before John Sung, Robin Nievera and Joseph Wu played. Julianne dropped by to watch our set and obviously we had to convince her to sing a few songs. I swear, those who weren't there missed out on her awesomeness! It's a free gig in the middle of High Street, and we got THE Julianne Tarroja to play! I still can't believe how we're now friends with some of the musicians we've always looked up to. *fangirl moment*

 We were so happy with the turnout so we've decided to perform again this Saturday. Join us this September 8 at 6 PM, we'll be performing til 9 PM! Anyone up for a Mercato run after the gig? :)