Southern Stories


Aleyn (who's from Iloilo) and Charles (Cebu) exhibited at Heima Makati yesterday & we were invited to sing a few songs for the event. We fit the southern theme since we're also from Cebu

Reese was there, too!

Riz & Reese recently formed a ukelele group called House of Hamsters. They did an impromptu set so Riz had to use her guitar. The iPad's super useful during gigs! Paperless lyrics & chords everywhere we go.

Heima had so many ceramic lamps in cute shapes. I was going to get the glowing camera but we were in a hurry to leave. I have to visit again soon.

Got to talk to Paul about the OS sale, Rihanna buying his accessories, my career & music. I love Paul! He's one of the most hardworking people I know (sorry Paul, Melai practically told me your life story when we went to Boracay. haha). 

Another impromptu ukelele performance. She sounds sooo much like Zooey Deschanel! See, even THE Jason Magbanua is staring at her. LOL (btw, super flattered that he's been to a couple of our gigs! He's been a fan of my sister since her bandcamp days/2009) 

I wanted to ask Bong/Rossy if this is what they required their interns to do... There were so many of these cute cutout feathers around Heima. 

Met up with Robin at the Pen for some desserts together with Riz & Ram... Refused to eat dessert at an ungodly hour so I had some coffee instead. Boohoo.

Riz took so many photos of me laughing. 

Lazy dressing as usual for gigs...
It's not the most flattering item in my closet but expect me to wear this parka out a lot (I get cold easily)

I've been into backpacks ever since grade school! I have them in every type of material/fabric but it's not the ideal bag when you're walking around the streets of Manila. 

"you need new pants"

MAC Rebel 
"That lipstick shade makes you look like you eat babies for breakfast."