

Many thanks to Aivan for the Primitive Revival cardigan + vest and to Asian Vogue for sending me these JC Gallatin dupes. Seems like I'm in a crazy pattern-mixing streak here... or am I the last one to notice? 

I'm getting quite annoyed at how straight and flat my hair is but I can't be bothered to wear any more wax on my mane. Yes, I'm growing it out a bit and it's in this awkward stage, but I'm happy that it's gotten to that low-maintenance length. I already miss my boy cut, undercut and pointy/waxed-up hair but I'm done with a year of styling it each day & getting it cut every 2 weeks. I'm ready to rock the no-fuss style again! 

I've realized that having the faux-hawk and pixie cut definitely made me gutsier it my fashion choices. There have been many times wherein I've thought to myself "If I had my long, straight hair I wouldn't be able to rock this." And my sister always agrees. She wants me to keep my hair as short as possible. Maybe the edgier getups merely resulted from... growth? And a desire to express myself even more with my clothes? Must...stop...overanalyzing...this! 

Whatever. It's just hair! 

| jeans- Terranova | earrings- Topshop | rings- Koket/Topshop/Hip at Rockwell | bracelet- Anagon Collection