Smart Netphone events

Smart Netphone media launch (Sept. 1)

Grabbed this photo from Tracy...
Surprise- I didn't use my camera during the media launch! I'll be posting a review of the phone in another post. It's a really cool Android phone for its price (Php 9,900).
Thank you to Smart and Connect Agency! Add me on Smart Net Messenger, friends!

Smart Netphone Grand Launch (Sept. 10)

I didn't know that I was getting 10 invites for this event! I sorta panicked by Friday since none of my friends seemed interested. I could've done a blog contest but I knew I didn't have time to do that anymore. I managed to force some of my friends to come with me on the day itself... Yay! 

Earlier that night there was a program that involved a dougie dance-off. They also threw out new 20-peso bills and free phones to the crowd!
Wore this dress from Topshop that I gave to Issa 2 years ago because it was too long for me and I couldn't fill out the... front. Haha. I still don't like the way it makes me look flat as a board but I had no choice, I really had NOTHING to wear and had to raid her closet! LOL.


Both events were super FUN! So glad that I got to see my friends and take a breather from school + the construction site. It was also nice that I got to meet some girls who read this blog/listen to our music. :)