Iceland and Morocco in the eyes of Vito Selma

My very talented friend and "kuya" Vito Selma was kind enough to send me his photographs from Iceland and Morocco a few nights ago. I envy this guy's life right now (who wouldn't?!) since he gets to travel all over the world, study Industrial Design for free and work under a huge firm in Italy. He deserves all of that, of course... He's my best friend Izabelli's brother and I can definitely say that he's one of those really hardworking Filipino designers who is just overflowing with talent and love for our country. He's one of my idols, really. His photographs inspired me to pick up a camera at a young age, and being able to see their factory while I was in high school sort of convinced me to really dive into the world of design. Even if he didn't finish Interior Design to focus on making furniture, that hasn't stopped him from creating amazing displays during expositions (and never fails to bag awards at each one he joins).
I think he took down his blog a long time ago, so he continues to post these type of beautiful photos only on his Facebook page. You can go to his viewbook or check out his design portfolio instead.
So here are some of his photos. I'd share with you the rest from his European adventures but I tell ya, there's just too many and they're all so pretty! He was too lazy to put a watermark on his photos that night so he told me to just fix them for my site. Chose Morocco and Iceland from his collection because of the scenery and the details in the interiors. Enjoy!!!


Vito met Bjork's sister through his friend Sonja, so he got to meet their parents (and he just HAD TO write that on my Facebook wall to piss me off, jeeeez hahaha). He says Icelandic people are the most fashionable people you'll ever meet. I think this is easy to believe since I remember Yvan Rodic saying that every kid there has a band and dresses impeccably. It's like they go out everyday looking like they've hired a brilliant stylist to dress them. Vito said that in Iceland they don't follow trends and they're just really creative. Even 5-year-olds are fashionable! I'm more pressured to really prepare my wardrobe before visiting! I think Bjork will be there when that time comes (she was in New York when Vito visited their house, HA HA HA!!!).

I really wanted to cry when I saw this photo! Vito said that you could spot 3-5 rainbows a day at this time of the year!

People keep asking him if he sends his photos to National Geographic but all he says is that those guys are PROs... And Vito, you're not?! Jeeeez :))

Quirky shoes from KRON, one of the most expensive boutiques where Vito's friend works. LOVE IT.
Iceland only has a population of 300,000+. If I were to live there, my name would be Raleene Ralphsdottir and Issa/Izabelli would be Isabella Moisesdottir. We'd have to use our father's first name then dottir after it. HAHAHA! My brother would be named Ralph Ralphsson (he's Ralph Jr.).


I decided to share these photos on my blog the moment the first photo below was posted on Facebook. These were taken inside a Moroccan riad, one of the small apartments converted into a hotel by its previous owners. I was amazed at how detailed everything looked and how nicely each tile was placed. The smaller details are hand-painted. According to Vito, there's really nothing else to do there so their interiors look AMAZING and they have all the time to put such details on everything. He's also visiting during the hottest time of the year. He said Morocco was a place for travelers, not tourists. Girls have to be more careful as well... One of his friends kept being bugged and a man wanted to buy her for 10 camels. Oh my gosh! :))

The door on the left is the only thing you could see from the outside. "Never judge a house by its door."

From Vito's window


And here's just one of those enviable status messages he posts on his Facebook (mind you, he posts one or two each month!):

"DREAM COME TRUE. working with a documentary filmmaker, sustainable designer and consultant for a new program show for National Geographic. Empowering people with sustainable solutions in the Philippines and the rest of the world."
GAAAH. Make us proud, Vito!!! Thank you for sending me these awesome pictures!