Cold night out//Sammi's 21st

Sam celebrated her 21st birthday last Friday at Members Only

happy bday Sammi!
By the end of the night, I think I convinced her to follow my "no smiles-just stare into the cam" trademark look :))

See, this was us at the beginning of the night

Erika, Ianna and Pia

First thing I remembered about Sam when I met her in CSB (2007) was her coooool tattoo. And Issa told me that tattoos on feet hurt A LOT. I said to myself "woah, badass girl." :))

Their crew, missing "the silencer" :))

She has a white iPhone but it hasn't been unlocked, so she's using her BB for now... She also wants to replace her Canon with a GF1 but she tried carrying mine and said it was heavy as well. So.....

Paolo arrived and was silent with his BB for a while...

Pao's kicks

Justin getting hugs from Ivor

Pao is a cake murderer!!! Caught in the act :))

This thin cover-up did not help at all... All night I was wishing I had brought a leather jacket with me since I was freezing. Stayed in one corner with P while taking photos and watching people go craycray :))

Pia's booties from F21

There was a really entertaining crying sesh thanks to Rica and Ivor.

Will had these cool thrifted boots on

Super fun night

It's been a while since I've partied with friends (okay fine, I've cheated on some days by dropping by and staying for a few minutes) and I can say that I'm SO not used to the clubs anymore. One look at the girls and I was able to realize that I haven't been shopping for quite a while, too. I miss wearing dresses and heels!

Pia and I ended up just sitting in one corner, laughing and conversing from our spot. But that was also mainly because it was so freakin' cold. The entire night, I was wishing my thin cover-up was a thick leather jacket, and that I had worn thick jeans as well. Even some of the guys ended up on the couch with us just to evade the AC breeze.

But even if this was the case, I had a blast just taking photos, chatting with friends and looking at people getting affected by merriment. We stayed for a couple of hours before deciding to head home since we were tired from days of staying til the wee hours of the morning at our friend Tisha's place working on our condo scale model, aside from doing our own plates and attending classes for finals. I was just lucky that Riz and I didn't have any gigs for the entire week... But that's about to change this week. More deadlines (thesis, plates) and final exams. I'm not complaining anymore since this is becoming a pattern and I just really CAN'T WAIT to see my family and friends over the holidays!!!

These were the shoes I wore:
My new Topshop Wisteria wedges finally arrived!

As you all know, I haven't been shopping for quite a while now thanks to school (I'm only last 4 terms, including my exhibiting term) so I was the last to know when these wedges arrived in our local Topshop stores. I had no other option but to buy the ones in the color that I wanted through an E-bay seller. It cost me more than the original price, but I was fine with it... Until customs decided to charge me Php 3,800+ when they arrived here. I went loca and decided not to claim them til I earned money... Thankfully a shoot I did made me earn some money and decided that I was going to try to beg them to lower the charges when I had the time to head there early in the morning...

On the same day that I decided to visit the post office (our professor told us that he was going to be absent), my driver told me that my tito had already paid for it, and that THEY LOWERED DOWN THE "TAXES" TO PHP 500!!!!!

Wow, all my tito had to do was sweet talk the post office attendant... In Filipino we refer to it as pakiusap. They were saying how they weren't going to have a Christmas party, nor a Christmas bonus, so my tito said that he could keep the Php 500 after telling him that his niece (me) was already having problems of how to pay them the original fee of Php 3,800+.

I seriously can't understand the whole system at customs now... And I can't believe I was willing to pay the original amount since I thought they were strict because of the new administration and the laws they were implementing.

BUT OH WELL... Enough of this. I'm happy I have new shoes!