music of the spheres

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Photos by Samantha Godinez

a SUPER TONED-DOWN Salamin performing at Ortigas Park for the CBTL Are You Listening acoustic tour

Riz took a couple of videos of their covers and originals, but I really liked their version of Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek!!!

Don't mind Rizza's attempt to add some voicing to Paolo's singing! She admits to being tone-deaf, I won't argue with her on that (cos it really applies to a lot of situations, haha!).

Riz and I LOOOOVE a lot of their originals, too. Soldiers of the New Age, Victoria, Carousel- just to name a few. We feel SO privileged to be able to participate/sing with them (6 songs) during their album launch this coming Saturday at Teatrino (Greenhills).

We got to rehearse with the whole band plus the other guest performers last night... It was quite overwhelming. A room filled with some of the recognized musicians in Filipino rock, and Riz and I were sitting in one corner next to Sam, feeling so insignificant and inexperienced. Well in our defense, we were the youngest as well! But seriously, in our heads "We're SOOOO not worthy!!!" kept looping again and again. Who wouldn't feel the same way? Check out the lineup on the poster and imagine how much less hardcore we would look on the same stage this Saturday.

Everyone was so supportive and the guys of Salamin were super nice to us as usual. It's really funny to see them super looney when they're not performing... Cos when they perform their songs with a full band- IT'S CHAOTIC. If you have never seen their gigs, their songs are pretty much 1/2 screamo and 1/2 SICK vocals/playing/lyrics/arrangements. They don't sound like a Filipino band, IMHO.

me to Riz: "Uhh, why did they ask us to sing with them again?"

I am not even exaggerating about the way I feel. Thanks to Pao for offering to help us and coach us again this Wednesday during our photo shoot with them plus Amber and Julianne for Audioclef (That's something else we have in store for all you guys who follow our musical journey).

Every time we meet more and more musicians, I remember not expecting anything like this to happen to us... Music's definitely in our blood but everything's just happening way too early! We're not even pushing for anything to happen- mum and dad just keep telling us to go with the flow. I thought I was going to pursue music as a solo act when I was done with school or tired with my first profession, but I admit I am extremely grateful and enjoying everything that I'm doing with my sister now... What did we do to deserve all of this? Forgive me for being on a slightly sentimental mode here, but I just can't help it! LOL. I owe a lot to the man up above, for guiding me and showering us with all the opportunities that we've never even dreamed of. Whatever happens to us with this music thing, be it a positive or a negative outcome, it doesn't even matter anymore.

I will forever be grateful.