The Scent of Lithium

photos by Edric Chen
makeup by Jill Alblaza-Tumbaga
styling by Argie Salango


Everyone's been saying that I look so different now compared to how I looked before with long hair... After seeing these shots from my first shoot with the boy cut, I fully agree! Gosh, I look so butch... But I actually love having super short hair, and almost everyone's been telling me to keep it short... forever. Still, there are some who say that cutting it was such a waste. Mum kept my hair, btw. I also have my locks from when I cut my hair during grade school, and at that time my hair reached my knees! My sister had hers right past her waist at that time and she was able to donate her locks to a girl who was born with a rare condition that caused for her not to have any hair at all. Even her brows could be barely seen...

I'm looking for a Locks of Love-sorta thing here around Manila... Hit me up in the comments or send me a tweet if you guys have any idea as to where I can donate my old locks.

I'm off to Cebu after my class this afternoon and I'm attending the anniversary bash of Preview Magazine this Saturday. Quite excited since I'm finally gonna see my friends today. I've been alcohol-free for more than 2 months (yes, I quit just after a year I started drinking) and I haven't been clubbing for that long, too... My friend Abee and I were talking about how quickly we've become grandmas thanks to the weight of our course combined with our "jobs" and lifestyles...

I'll be posting a couple of videos in a couple of days as well. Flip Philippines was kind enough to hand me and Saab M. Flip Mino HDs to use during events and such to help spread the word of how easy and awesome the Flip cameras are... I've been having so much fun with it, recording random moments and capturing things on video... Editing's so easy, but my problem's with my internet connection at home. Seems like everyone's been having trouble with the internet and we're the last ones to get hit by it.

Take care, loves!