late post: Preview's 15th Anniversary at the Penthouse

I was using my Flip camera more during the event so I just relied on others to take photos. This was also before I bought a smaller camera... Thank you so much to Issa, Mia, Mikey and Paolo for providing me enough pictures for this blog post. :) (Check out Mikey, Kryz and Paolo's blogs for more photos!)

Issa was my date that night. Picked her up and we went together at around 10:30. The event started at 9 so we missed the photo-ops and awarding! We also missed the pre-party at Maya. I didn't feel well hours before the event and Issa wanted to take her time, too. We both did our makeup.
Camille Co made my dress and Issa got hers from Ron Enrico. The theme was "Crystals".

Mia was really easy to spot in her Kate Torralba dress! Kate is her cousin, btw.

Paoie won that Canon camera for being the best dressed male that night. Congrats!

Mikey was the first one who sent me invites. I never really get the chance to visit Cebu anymore, but this was something I really looked forward to! Thanks for remembering that I'm a Cebuana!

See, not much photos. We were busy talking to tons of friends from Cebu and the place was PACKED! It was an epic night indeed. Lots of beautiful people, celebrities, and I think the highlight of the night for me was when Daryl Chang said "I love your hair!" In reply, I told her that I loved hers, too. Her bleached crop was so cool! Well, we did surprise everyone when Issa and I walked in with super short hairdos. That was also my FIRST TIME to see her with her new cut! We live in the same city yet we don't see each other often. Well, I'm glad people like our new looks. We're really addicted to short hairstyles now. I think it's cos we've had long hair since we were little (there was a time mine reached my knees, I kid you not!) and we live in a really humid country, so change is definitely good.


Congratulations to Preview and the fashionable team in Cebu for organizing a great event!