Walkie Talkies are back on track.

Rico and Rizza- late nights at the studio! Powered by water, Coke Light and gum :))
(sorry for the bad photo quality, i just used my iPhone to take this!)

The makings of our Tumblelog

Riz and I recently made a Tumblelog for our duo, Walkie Talkies!

Yeap, we're gonna be introduced as the Walkie Talkies. It started out as a joke made by Rico- we should name our duo as that since we are just soooo chatty whenever we're together. We just can't stop yapping! Oftentimes we even sound like we're fighting/arguing but that's just the way we talk.

We went through tons of names, and agreed that we didn't wanna be known just as "Ral and Riz" like most sister groups out there. It's mainly because we don't really look like sisters at first, we have different tastes in music and have different influences. After a while, the name Walkie Talkies started growing on us. I think it's mostly because of how our recordings turned out to be. Just a hint- it won't sound too acoustic and we're singing Rizza's compositions. ;) Surprise, surprise! But I can't post anything til it officially gets released. And oh, because of all the endlesssss conversations caught on tape, some might be included as "space fillers" in the CD. EEP! They are seriously embarrassing O_O

We're starting to record again after a short hiatus to settle in the new term in school. Rico's been busy with his music, too. Now we have to adjust our recording schedule to our school sched. Praying that everything turns out well and we get things done in a couple of weeks.

I'll be keeping you guys posted on our gig scheds, and for sure they're going to be announced on our Tumblr site. Trying to make a twitter account for WT too but we can't find any available username on twitter that's short enough and includes Walkie Talkies in it!

Ta-ta for now!
